Goldminer Gindalbie Gold NL intends to float a new company, Sally Malay Nickel NL after taking an option to buy the Sally Malay project from the Normandy group for $10 million.
Announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Cell Sciences Pte Ltd, has signed an MOU with Rockeby Biomed for logistics, sales, marketing and master distribution of the Avian (bird) and Human Flu Tests
Notice of General Meeting to be held at the Offices of Bell Potter Securities, Level 29, 101 Collins Street, Melbourne on Monday, 16 January, 2006, commencing at 11.00am.
FEDERAL Treasurer Peter Costello has confirmed Western Australia will forego almost $24 million in payments for 2005-06 under the National Competition Policy, which will provide $834 million in funds
The Western Australian Trade Enquiry Service is operated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia (CCI) with the support of the WA Government's Department of I
Advise that the intended ASX listing of Red Hill Iron Limited ("Red Hill Iron") is anticipated to occur in February 2006 and that Giralia shareholders are to be offered priority application rights.
The recent MYEFO publication includes a fiscal risk to revenue around an error in the Tax Office system which calculated the general interest charge (GIC) for the 1993 to 1999 years for some taxpayers
Price: $1,465,000 Two well-known, established retail bakeries. High level of repeat custom with growth to trade expected. Readily operated under full management.
Proposed code: LAD Issue price: $0.20 Principal activities: diamond exploration. Corporate: Send Fai Chan (chairman); Ross Kestel (non-executive director); John Terpu (non-executive director).
Advise that it has, through its Filipino subsidiaries and in joint venture with Philsaga Mining Corporation, signed a Mines Operating Agreement with Alcorn Gold Resources Corporation a public company
The Centre for Legumes in Mediterranean Agriculture’s director and professor of crop science at the University of Western Australia, Kadambot Siddique has been elected a fellow of the Australian Acade