Announced that its 50% owned company, PT LNG Energi Utama, has received foreign capital investment approval from Indonesia’s Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM).
Michelle Hollings has joined the Perth office of PricewaterhouseCoopers as a senior manager in their International Assignment Solutions practice after several years with PwC in Sydney.
Announce the signing of a revenue sharing Msite Provider Agreement between its 51% owned subsidiary AstroVision Australia Limited and Hutchison 3G Australia Pty Ltd.
MAJOR Chinese group Shandong Yuansheng International Trading Co Ltd is understood to have confirmed its intention to take up almost 20 per cent equity in Cape Lambert Iron Ore Ltd through the purchase
Price: $840,000 Shipping lines, limited restaurants as well as direct sales. Located in metropolitan area. The listing price also includes freehold of $650,000. This listing is HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL.
PERTH-BASED Dragon Mining NL has announced plans to raise $35 million through secured convertible notes to fund the re-commencement of production at its second production centre at Vammala in Finland.
Board Members 2005/2006 Dr Barry Fatovich – president Patricia Marshall – vice president Ian Swallow – treasurer Bill Coleman – secretary Stuart Clarke JP – board member Prof.
Proposed code: CPT Issue price: $0.20 Principal activities: home trader. Corporate: Mark Freeman (non-executive chairman); John Day (managing director); Jason Davis (executive director).
Advise that the Company has entered into an agreement with Mazzelli Holdings Limited, a subsidiary of Navigator Resources Ltd to sell the Perseverance gold exploration tenements held by the West Austr
THE dilemma of shopping, and the opportunity of a lifetime. Going shopping at the height of Christmas season is both maddening and frustrating. Maddening are the crowds.
Telstra Corporation Limited has notified the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission of an access dispute with Optus Mobile Pty Limited and Optus Networks Pty Limited, under Part XIC of the Tra
Price: $390,000 Moulds and ovens for small craft which can be adapted to many products. Strong links to the marine industry. Great distribution network and export markets. Plant $170,000.
Proposed code: CTP Issue price: $0.20 Principal activities: oil and gas exploration.Corporate: Henry Askins (non-executive chairman); John Heugh (managing director); Richard Faull (executive director
Name change to Redbank Mines (RBM) is expected to take effect on or about Friday 16 December 2005 when the Company expects to be reinstated to official quotation.
MARGARET River winemaker Palandri Ltd has told the AIM stock exchange in London that a subsidiary has launched a supplementary prospectus to raise $7.5 million for the purchase of a Great Southern vin
Announce that commitments have been received by its placement managers from sophisticated and experienced retail investor clients for the placement of 12 million new fully paid ordinary shares at $0.0
The Nationals WA leader Brendon Grylls has been appointed to a State Government taskforce that is being set up to investigate the viability of a biofuels industry in Western Australia.
Issuer code: TGB Issue price: $1.17 First day’s close: $1.23 Principal activities: distribution and hire of construction equipment to the construction, resources and infrastructure sectors.