Mining giant Rio Tinto has weighed into Africa's nationalism debate, with chief executive Tom Albanese saying royalty regimes are better for host countries than direct equity ownership in projects.
The Queensland state government has given Peet approval for its Greater Flagstone Development Scheme, a residential and town centre development that will ultimately deliver up to 11,500 dwellings.
The state government has launched a major initiative aimed at tackling the lack of hotel investment and development in Western Australia, including the release of Crown land and lease incentives.
More than a quarter of nations represented at the Commonwealth leaders' meeting in Perth have failed to allow basic industrial rights for workers, the ACTU says
Aspen Group founding chairman Reg Gillard will step down from the developer’s board at its annual general meeting in November, to be replaced by non-executive director Frank Zipfinger.
The resources sector could lose market share to other countries if new exploration incentives are not introduced and costs continue to rise, warns the nation's richest person, Gina Rinehart.
Western Australia's business leaders, including Woodside's Peter Coleman, said today the state needs to focus on meeting its own skilled labour needs, as Queensland Premier Anna Bligh swooped on th
PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS is expecting more than 1,500 runners and walkers from Perth’s corporate community to participate in this year’s Cool Night Classic fun run on November 10.
A STRONG sister state relationship involving China and Western Australia could help people with disability benefit from future advances in technology, according to the state government.
LEADING not-for-profit organisations have hit back at claims they have not been transparent about how much it costs them to raise and allocate millions of dollars each year.
FLEUR and Marco De Campi were no strangers to the ice-cream business when they bought Azzura Gelati from Fleur’s parents (now-retired), Nick and Rey Odorisio in October last year.
IS it fair for people who own more desirable real estate to pay extra for underground power because they benefit more appreciably from the resulting increase in value?
STARTING out as a business focused on direct-use geothermal projects, Green Rock Energy has diversified its portfolio to avoid the pressures of a diminishing capital-market appetite for such projec
THE lack of a cohesive, strategic approach to meeting the Pilbara’s increasing energy requirements, and mining giants’ domination of the region’s power generation and supply, are among the major pr
Australia's peak business group has backed Prime Minister Julia Gillard's support for free trade access to developing nations against rising calls for protectionism in international markets.
Diversified miner and explorer Perilya says it will tap shareholders for up to $110 million to pay off debts accrued through the acquisition of Globestar in January, continue the development of the