Property statistics released today revealed a mixed bag for the sector, with the total value of home sales plunging over the last financial year, despite a fifth consecutive month of rises in home
The outcome of last week’s jobs forum in Canberra was sensible, incremental reform, but don’t expect the policy change to have a big impact on local industry.
THE Australian Institute of Company Directors’ latest report into not-for-profit directorships has revealed specifics around the dedication of business people to the community sector.
NATIONAL Australia Bank has signed on as the national sponsor for SportingPulse, an organisation that acts in part as a support to the development of grassroots sports.
PERTH International Arts Festival director Jonathan Holloway has announced the first round of highlights in the 2012 PIAF program, with two Australian exclusives among them.
RUSSELL Quinn used his years of experience in real estate to guide him in the development of an online boat management system he says takes the complication out of boating syndicates.
FOR the first time in eight years, homebuilder BGC has lost its grasp on the top ranking in the Housing Industry Association’s annual homebuilders report.
EMCO Building director John Ripp says Western Australia’s construction industry is facing some of the toughest times ever, with recovery not expected until mid next year.
The hospitality industry is still recovering from a lethargy brought on by the global financial crisis, but industry leaders are cautiously optimistic about the outlook.
Big-name restaurants and chefs have moved into the Burswood Entertainment Complex, but does that make it the new epicentre of Perth dining? Emily Morgan reports.
The Australian share market opened slightly lower on the back of dramatic falls on overseas metals markets and a weak start to the US reporting season overnight.
US stocks drifted to a mixed finish Tuesday ahead of the start of company earnings season and a key vote in Slovakia that could decide the eurozone's rescue fund amid a sovereign debt crisis.
Australia's sharemarket will climb back to its pre-financial crisis record high by 2013/14 and investors will enjoy returns higher than six per cent a year in the meantime.
The Australian share market ended higher but pulled back from earlier gains, as investors digested news that France and Germany have a plan to fix the eurozone debt crisis.
Until now the Qantas dispute has been a conventional disagreement between an employer and its employees but yesterday’s call to effectively destroy the company means it has turned political and sho
US stocks rallied sharply Monday after Germany and France pledged over the weekend to find a solid plan to address the eurozone debt crisis and shore up European banks within weeks.
Australian shares were higher at noon, bucking a weak US lead as investors took heart in a plan to recapitalise ailing European banks to help contain the impact of the eurozone debt crisis.
Wall Street stocks closed in the red on Friday after a credit downgrade on Italy and Spain snuffed out a rally on better-than-expected US jobs numbers.