Construction and contracting group Decmil Australia has joined forces with the Goolarabooloo Jabirr Jabirr native title claim group in Broome to pursue work opportunities in the Kimberley
Leighton Holdings has reaffirmed it will return to profitability this financial year with a profit of a much as $650 million as it tenders for $27 billion worth of work.
Property developer Port Bouvard will re-allocate funds previously set aside for its Point Grey project near Mandurah to repay its debts, in order to qualify for an extension of its banking fac
Outgoing Commonwealth Bank chief executive Ralph Norris remains the country's highest paid banker, despite a rise in remuneration for Westpac's Gail Kelly.
New car sales in Western Australia were down nearly 3 per cent in October compared to the same month last year, taking the year-on-year fall in sales to 7.6 per cent.
The Supreme Court of Western Australia has been promised shiny new digs, in the yet-to-be constructed office tower of the St George’s Cathedral precinct redevelopment.
Carbon forest sink company Carbon Conscious will plant about 10 million native Mallee eucalypt trees the Wheatbelt next year, after Origin Energy exercised about $30 million worth of planting optio
Striking phosphate miners on Western Australia's remote Christmas Island are threatening to turn the tables on their employer by closing the mine and buying it back.
Treasurer Wayne Swan has urged his Asia-Pacific counterparts to waste no time implementing economic reforms necessary to prevent the sort of turbulence that has gripped Europe.
World oil prices drifted higher on Thursday but the market remained plagued by persistent doubts over the eurozone's debt crisis and in particular the plight of Italy, traders said.
The Association of Mining and Exploration companies has welcomed the Senate’s decision to send the minerals resource rent tax legislation to a Senate Economics Committee, on the same day it launche
Perth-based Automotive Technology Group has won two new product awards at the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) global awards for 2011, held in Las Vegas.
The pilots' union is appealing in the Federal Court against Fair Work Australia's decision to stop Qantas industrial action, claiming it wrongfully ruled against members who had only taken minor ac
Just over $31 billion was wiped from the value of Australian shares on Thursday as Italy emerged as the new centre of concern in the eurozone debt crisis.
BHP Billiton has negotiated a major development plan with the Town of Port Hedland that would see the mining giant pay more than $80 million for land, build a camp for 6,000 construction workers, s
Ports and rail operator Asciano says it has performed well in uncertain economic conditions but warned it would be affected by a fall in economic activity.
Hong Kong-based investment house Wah Nam Holdings has confirmed it is in discussions with Brockman Resources regarding a “potential transaction and co-operation”.
An unexpected fall in the jobless rate is unlikely to prevent the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) cutting interest rates again given the continuing turmoil on global markets.
The state government says it will reap an extra $1.9 billion over the next three years after finalising agreements with BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto to increase the royalty rate payable for thei
Gindalbie Metals' timeline for its flagship Karara iron ore project in Western Australia has slipped but the $2.57 billion development cost remains the same.