Goldfields Credit Union may proceed with its plan to demutualise and list on the Australian Securities Exchange early in 2012, more than a year after its original target listing date.
The federal government's move to lift a ban on uranium sales to India has boosted uranium stocks, but share prices are still well below the levels before the Fukushima nuclear crisis.
Planning Minister John Day believes the state government's planned major inner city developments are achievable but admits that its role as the driver of the Waterfront, Riverside and CityLink will
A leading business lobby group has urged the federal government not to increase taxes to achieve its budget surplus, as Labor looks for ways to make up for falling revenues.
Perseus Mining’s underwriters have exercised an over-allotment option, taking the ASX and Toronto-listed gold miner’s capital raising completed earlier this month to its targeted $C93 million ($89
The builder of the federal government's $36 billion national broadband network (NBN) has signed contracts worth up to $635 million for equipment to install the high speed service in homes and busin
Southern Cross Goldfields has launched a $5.6 million capital raising plan to fund gold production studies for its Marda gold mine and an accelerated exploration program at its surrounding tenement
Small business trading conditions and confidence have continued to deteriorate against the backdrop of an escalating European debt crisis, and weak consumer confidence and spending, a new survey sh
Gold fell on Monday as the US dollar strengthened, tracking riskier assets as investors once again focused on the huge euro zone sovereign debt problems following initial optimism surrounding new g
Stocks in Perth-based biotech pSivida have halved in value after the United States Food and Drug Administration declined to approve its treatment for back-of-the-eye problems associated with diabet
Former Hogan and Partners stockbroker Jonathan Kur has been charged with fraud after an 18-month investigation by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
Fertiliser and explosives maker Incitec Pivot has increased full year profit 13 per cent and says 2012 will be a transition year as it seeks to expand the Asia-Pacific explosives business.
Elders has posted a $395.4 million annual loss but said its underlying performance had improved and forecast an improved performance for the current fiscal year.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard is pleased with an APEC leaders' agreement to slash the region's energy intensity and cut tariffs on environmental products.
Woodside Petroleum has released an environmental study on the offshore component of its Browse liquefied natural gas project for public review that shows most activities associated with the develop
Uranium miner Paladin Energy has posted a much bigger net loss for the September quarter than a year earlier after booking an impairment charge for its Kayelekera mine in Malawi.
Agriculture and Food Minister Terry Redman says the state’s grain industry has received a significant boost with a new consignment of wheat exports to Saudi Arabia.