THE RAC launched its new Community Partnerships and Grass Roots Grants programs last week in a bid to support the state’s not-for-profit and charitable organisations.
HOUSING affordability has been a hot political issue in Western Australia and there’s a growing awareness that the situation could deteriorate when increasing numbers of baby boomers retire from th
Development giant Mirvac has been selected as the state government’s preferred proponent to commence a $1.5 billion redevelopment of Karratha, including a new town centre and a 1,500-dwelling coast
ONE of the Barnett government’s top infrastructure priorities is starting to come to fruition, with the release of agricultural land in the Ord River irrigation area, near Kununurra in the state’s
The imminent retirement of Lester Group founder Richard Lester will formally install a new generation of Lester men at the helm of the business but the brothers have already set a new course for th
IT is a familiar tale in the online business world – a local innovator offshores its development work in an emerging market and then seeks to crack a big market like the US as a company maker.
Qantas Airways chief executive Alan Joyce says negotiations with unions are continuing and he is optimistic a deal will be reached before the 21-day deadline expires.
Australian shares opened slightly higher due to a positive lead from the US, but enthusiasm was subdued with the focus remaining on Europe's debt problems.
Gindalbie Metals has completed negotiations for the last key infrastructure deals required for the development of its Karara iron ore mine, signing two key rail contracts with QR National and Brook
The incumbent directors of scooter manufacturer Vmoto have retained their board positions after narrowly surviving a challenge from a group of disgruntled investors.
Australia's middle-ranked miners are sitting on a $7.6 billion cash mountain after tapping shareholders for funds, leaving them better placed to weather the volatile share market.
Fund manager Perpetual has allocated a fifth of its resources portfolio to offshore investments as it seeks attractively priced stocks amid global volatility and uncertainty.
The Australian dollar fell more than one US cent even though the central bank gave no direct hints on the future path of interest rates, which the market expects will be cut in December.
Riedel Resources has entered an agreement with Golden Rim Resources to purchase five gold exploration permits in Burkina Faso in exchange for $900,000 in cash and 12.5 million Riedel shares.
The state government will spend almost $14 million in the next five years to reduce the risk of shark attacks after three fatal attacks in recent months.
Tiger Airways says it is unable to be profitable in Australia when limited to just 22 daily flights a day, under restrictions imposed after the forced grounding of the airline's fleet earlier this
Property developer Peet’s stocks have dropped after it released an earnings downgrade for the 2012 financial year, blaming falling consumer sentiment and global and domestic economic uncertainty.