Business News has recently partnered with Pragma Lawyers to present an opportunity to its readers to receive free updates on legal developments on topics relevant to them.
Pragma has a reputation for assisting its clients avoid and resolve disputes in the most efficient way so their clients can focus on what’s important to them.
Throughout the year, Pragma’s lawyers will be presenting in the “Legally Speaking” webinar series.
The first entirely free lunchtime webinar will occur on Tuesday, 11th August, kicking off at 12pm. Aaron McDonald, Pragma Lawyers Director and Elizabeth McLean, Special Counsel and Employment Law Specialist will be joined by Business News Senior Editor, Mark Beyer as they discuss topics such as, the recent government reforms on the rights of landlords, the risks facing employers when they have staff working from home, the perennial issue of defamation from social media posts and sexual harassment in the workplace.
If you would like to register for this free event you can click here or reach out to us at hello@pragma.law