At the commencement of 2014 Aaron McDonald founded Pragma Legal in Subiaco with a view to delivering high quality, client-focused and innovative legal services. After less than three years he now employs 7 staff. Pragma Legal is committed to providing outstanding service for their clients: pragmatic results, not endless legal quibbling. Their focus on fixed-fees and early mediation, has been game-changing. This offers unprecedented transparency to anyone who needs their services so clients will know exactly how much they will pay. This reduces cost, avoids protracted litigation and ends the emotional and business drain before it begins. Pragma Legal is regarded as an "up and coming" law firm, and was recently recognised as one of the fastest growing in Australia in Australasian Lawyer Magazine (October, 2016), nominated as a finalist in the Australian Law Awards in 2015 and were listed in Australasian Lawyer Innovative Firms for 2016.
Office: Level 1, 254 Rokeby Road SUBIACO WA 6008. Postal: PO BOX 529 SUBIACO WA 6904. Main Telephone: +61 (8) 6188 3340 Web Site:
On 20 January 2025, The Star acknowledged in an ASX report that it continues to seek advice in respect of the safe harbour provisions under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Cor
The recent case of Regis Resources Limited v The Honourable William Joseph Johnston MLA, Minister for Mines and Petroleum [2023] WASC 293 provides an insight into the efficacy of
The first major review of Australia’s corporate insolvency regime in more than 30 years, the Federal Government’s Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services (‘Committee’)
Sometimes, legal disputes are hard to avoid. If your fight for what's right drags on and on, you could incur substantial legal fees. That said, litigation is often unavoidable.
The High Court of Australia unanimously allowed an appeal of the Rossato decision in which the Full Court of the Federal Court had made a landmark decision about the nature of casual employment.
An offer to settle a legal dispute can be made at any time, including before or after a legal proceeding has been commenced.Offers to settle serve two main functions:
Discovery is the exchange of all documents in a party’s possession, custody or power which are relevant to the issues in dispute in a legal proceeding.
Former Australia Post CEO Christine Holgate is considering legal action against her former employer, over her departure from the publicly-owned organisation.
Less than 2% of the disputes referred to the Supreme Court of Western Australia make it to trial. The remaining 98% are either settled or discontinued.
The Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (‘Act’) affords shareholders of small proprietary companies the right to direct the company to provide financial and director’s reports.
A common concern that can arise at any stage before or during a legal proceeding is what happens if the other party doesn’t have enough money to pay your legal costs?
On Sunday 28 March 2021, the Moratorium on Evictions and Prohibited Actions under the Commercial Tenancy (Covid-19 Response) Act 2021 (WA) (COVID Response Act) will be coming to
In 2021, businesses must move quickly to recover debts, particularly at this time of year when the sum of debtors may be larger than they can manage for the purposes of their cashflow.&nbs
The most significant insolvency reform in Australia in the last 30 years has been announced. On 7 October 2020, the Treasury released some of the proposed details to the reforms for public co
Where an application is brought under section 447A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Act) for the removal of administrators appointed pursuant to section 436C of the Act
Business News has recently partnered with Pragma Lawyers to present an opportunity to its readers to receive free updates on legal developments on topics relevant
Recent events have confirmed that no workplace is immune from the risk of sexual harassment. It is happening, and every employer has an obligation to prevent it.
In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the Australian government has provided ‘short term regulatory relief’ to corporations and related entities that are prevented from meeting requirements unde
Urgent legislation has been introduced in WA to provide further support for commercial and residential tenants and landlords experiencing rental distress due to the current COVID-19 crisis.
The High Court’s recent decision in Australian Securities and investment Commission v King [2020] HCA 4 provides some important clarity around the definition of ‘officer’ as defined in sec