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Kate Ryan

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Kate Ryan
Kate Ryan
Power 500

Kate Ryan is an energy sector professional with experience in energy market policy, regulation and design.

She has held senior executive roles in government and energy market institutions.

Ms Ryan has been the executive general manager for WA and strategy at Australian Energy Market Operator since February 2022. Prior to that, she was with Energy Policy WA for 2.5 years including as an executive director and coordinator of energy, and a member of the Energy Transformation Taskforce established to oversee the transition to low-emissions and distributed energy resources in Western Australia. In July 2021, Ms Ryan also took responsibilities for the administration of the Wholesale Electricity Market Rules, Gas Services Information Rules, the new Pilbara Networks Rules, as well as the ongoing evolution of the energy market including a number of market reviews. In September 2024, she resigned from her role at AEMO.

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