Alinta Energy supplies natural gas and electricity to 800,000 homes and businesses throughout Australia. It employs 780 people in 14 locations across Australia and New Zealand.
AlintaGas was originally formed from the breakup of state-owned energy utilities in Western Australia in 1995. It was privatised as a gas company. As a result of numerous mergers and acquisitions over the years, AlintaGas became a diverse energy company with operations, investments and power generation assets dating back to 1941. Operating nine power stations across Australia and New Zealand, managing fuel sources and transportation, and ensuring competitive prices through our wholesale market operations. AlintaGas became Alinta Energy in 2010.
It owns several power stations throughout WA and 11 per cent of the Goldfields Gas Transmission Pipeline, a 1,380km gas pipeline transporting natural gas from Carnarvon basin producers in the north-west of WA to Kalgoorlie in the south east of WA. The GGTP is connected to Alinta Energy’s Newman Power Station by a 50km lateral pipeline. It supplies gas to retail customers in WA via the pipeline network operated by ATCO Australia.
It now retails energy in Victoria and South Australia.