The Auditor General has criticised the Department of Housing for continued shortcomings in its head contractor model, which was designed to improve the maintenance of Homeswest properties acro
A Federal Court judge has ruled in favour of a group of 72 councils, charities and churches, including the City of Swan, holding investment bank Lehman Brothers liable for millions of dollars
Legislation to ensure James Price Point is the only site on the Kimberley coast where Browse Basin gas will be processed was introduced into state parliament yesterday.
The mining industry has welcomed the strengthening of environmental conditions for the state's proposed first uranium mine after an independent review of appeals.
Law firm Slater and Gordon is about to launch legal action against the state Department of Environment and Conservation on behalf of Margaret River bushfire victims.
Days after installing a new board of directors, battling scaffolding firm IFS Construction Services has been placed into the hands of administrators from WA Insolvency Solutions.
The cost of electricity has doubled over the last five years and the Economic Regulation Authority’s decision to reduce Western Power’s proposed tariff increases shows promise in quashing 40 per ce
Environmental groups have welcomed new rules for hydraulic fracturing, or 'fracking', introduced today by the state government, but have stopped short of throwing their full support behind the new
A Western Australian company director has been convicted of managing a corporation while disqualified, following an investigation by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
THE state government has confirmed a strategy designed to help reduce the level of construction and demolition waste going to landfill has been put on hold.
The Takeovers Panel has made a declaration of unacceptable circumstances after taking a look at the increasingly hostile battle for control of IFS Construction Services.
The resources sector has welcomed a state government plan to establish a new mining rehabilitation fund, saying the move will free up significant funds at the beginning of the project development s
WESTERN Australia’s Economic Regulation Authority should be unshackled from its current constraints and allowed to become the state’s own version of the Productivity Commission to investigate and c
The Australian Greens say Woodside Petroleum has heavily underestimated whale numbers off the Western Australian coast, near the site of its proposed $34 billion gas hub.
Environmental groups have called on the federal government to reject a push to allow state governments to approve certain business developments without federal oversight.
In what is fast becoming one of Australia's most bitterly fought environmental campaigns, cold, hard cash - rather than conservation - is likely to determine the fate of Woodside Petroleum's multib
Traditional owners in favour of Woodside Petroleum's Browse gas hub say a $1.5 billion compensation deal will save lives and that they don't want former Greens leader Bob Brown speaking for them.
Traditional owners will meet former Greens leader Bob Brown in a bid to sway opposition to Woodside Petroleum's proposed $30 billion Kimberley gas hub.
The federal opposition insists it is not against foreign investment, despite proposing a plan to toughen rules for international investors looking to buy Australian agricultural land.
Crown Limited and the state government have struck an agreement that is expected to result in the development of a new 500-room luxury hotel at the Burswood Entertainment Complex and a substantial
Former CSIRO chief executive Roy Green has been appointed by the state government to investigate more than 200 appeals received regarding the environmental watchdog’s recommendation to approve the
The Australian sharemarket has opened higher as investors increase their exposure to risk while waiting to see if stimulus measures in Europe and the US will spark growth.
Western Australia’s environmental regulator has placed a stringent set of conditions on the Anketell Point port proposal near Karratha, but has recommended the project for approval by the state gov
Australia’s smaller resources companies will have greater flexibility when it comes to raising capital to develop their projects under proposed ASX listing rule changes.