Legal action has been launched over the environmental approval process for Woodside's controversial Browse gas hub at James Price Point in Western Australia.
Rare earths miner Lynas has won its latest court battle in Malaysia and is free to keep operating after opponents lost an appeal to take away its licence.
The former head of Western Australia's anti-corruption commission believes Julia Gillard may have breached state law by providing legal advice for the incorporation of an association used
Former Freehills managing partner John Atkins has agreed to head up a review of Western Australia's current liquor licensing system and Sunday trading regulations for hospitality operators, as part
A lack of uncommitted available reserves coupled with the demand for Australia's liquefied natural gas could create challenges for domestic gas supplies by 2016.
Another mistake in acquiring land for Woodside's controversial Browse gas hub has made targeted timeframes "tight", Lands Minister Brendon Grylls concedes.
Two Western Australian Liberal senators have broken ranks with their colleagues in declaring their support for a Labor bill to finalise the deregulation of wheat exports.
Julia Gillard's position as prime minister is "entirely untenable" following fresh revelations concerning her work as a lawyer almost 20 years ago, the opposition says.
A native title claimant group has called for a federal inquiry into its allegations that iron ore miner Fortescue Metals "heavied" its way onto land in the Pilbara.
A third council has been plunged into crisis within a week, with the Shire of Ashburton in the state's Pilbara region dismissing chief executive Jeff Breen after several complaints from ratepayers.
FORMER Peppermint Grove deputy shire president and local property developer Peter Bacich has been declared bankrupt in the wake of a number of his companies going into liquidation.*
Rare earths miner Lynas expects production at its controversial plant in Malaysia to begin in December after long delays caused by environmental and political concerns.
Conservation groups say today's state government approval of the contentious James Price Point gas project near Broome is a step towards "environmental disaster" and have urged the Commonwealth to
The board of TFS Corporation has survived a tough annual meeting that saw executive chairman Frank Wilson call upon the company’s legal adviser, auditor and fellow directors to help deal with numer
Former premier Brian Burke will not be allowed to appeal to the High Court against his conviction for giving false testimony to the state's Corruption and Crime Commission.
Conservationists say the government's marine park network is a step forward but fails to protect important underwater environments off the West Australian coast.
The stockbroker who brought about the demise of Perth firm Hogan and Partners has pleaded guilty to fraudulent activity totalling more than $7 million.
Shares in rare earths miner Lynas have fallen by more seven per cent after Malaysian activists continued legal action against the company's controversial processing plant.
New rules for reporting mineral and hydrocarbon resources and reserves will improve consistency and transparency in the Australian share market, federal Resources Minister Martin Ferguson says.
Boardroom ructions at agribusiness investment manager TFS Corporation are coming to a head, after two former directors requisitioned a meeting calling for the removal of executive chairman Frank Wi
Long-running efforts by Michael Fotios’ investment company Investmet to revive Swan Gold Mining and related companies Stirling Resources and Redbank Copper have hit a major hurdle.
Shares in global insurer QBE have fallen sharply after the company downgraded its earnings expectations in the wake of superstorm Sandy in the United States.