The Australian Greens have put forward a plan to phase out live animal exports, as federal Labor prepares for a showdown on the controversial trade at its next caucus meeting.
Shares in Lynas Corporation surged in late trade after a Malaysian court paved the way for the company to begin operating a controversial rare earths processing plant.
A private company backed by building magnate Len Buckeridge has accused premier Colin Barnett of making false and misleading statements, after Mr Barnett said the company should drop a $1 billion l
The agribusiness sector has welcomed the passing of legislation to fully deregulate the wheat industry through federal parliament’s lower house, thanking those politicians that sided with Labor for
People caught harming or smuggling critically endangered species could face fines of up to $500,000 under new laws being suggested by the state government.
The threat of Asian geckos hitchhiking on ships bound for the $43 billion Gorgon gas project on Barrow Island has prompted scientists to develop an early warning system that sends a text if th
Further environmental protection conditions will be imposed on Woodside Petroleum's proposed $30 billion Kimberley gas hub following an investigation into appeals against a report supporting the pr
Electricity consumers should be paid for reducing their energy use during "super-peak periods" as a way to cut energy bills, a new alliance of business, community and consumer groups says.
The world's largest private sector coal miner Peabody Energy has become the latest global giant to attack Australian governments for policies they say threaten the industry.
Western Australia's retirement village residents will have an avenue to appeal unwarranted hikes to charges under laws that have passed state parliament.
Electricity network operator Western Power says it still doesn't know the cause of the 2009 Toodyay bushfire that destroyed 38 homes and continues to deny any liability, despite paying compensation
THE waste recycling industry is set to come under closer scrutiny and tighter controls as the Department of Environment and Conservation works to eradicate asbestos contamination.
In what must rate as one of the more embarrassing oversights in WA business, engineering contractor Forge Group has admitted that it forgot about one of its directors when it prepared this year’s n
The Western Australian Farmers Federation has reiterated its support for the proposed winding up of the wheat industry's regulatory body after a similar organisation asked it to reconsider.
Magellan Metals' Canadian parent Ivernia has announced plans to re-start mining at its Wiluna lead mine are well advanced, with the project to be operational again in the second quarter of 2013.
A new panel should be set up under Fair Work Australia (FWA) to deal with the listing of default superannuation products, the Productivity Commission recommends.
Toro Energy has brushed off threats by anti-nuclear groups to challenge ministerial environmental approval of its Wiluna uranium project in Western Australia.
Shares in rare earths miner Lynas have plummeted after a Malaysian Court delayed the start of production at its plant to consider an application by opponents.
The first uranium mine in Western Australia is two steps away from being a reality, with state Environment Minister Bill Marmion granting final environmental approval to Toro Energy'
A 2009 investigation by accounting firm KPMG into note-maker Securency discovered material that indicated an employee had raised concerns over possible corrupt payments two years earlier, a parliam