One of the state’s largest building surveyors, John Massey Group, has been placed into liquidation after it warned an insurance impasse could hike up costs.
ASX-listed GDI Property Group has lodged plans for a new office tower and a revamp of buildings within its CBD Mill Green complex, proposing a new business and social precinct.
The state’s top gold producer has signed one of the biggest office leasing deals for 2020, securing a tenancy at Brookfield Properties and Hawaiian’s 235 St Georges Terrace.
WA’s largest Aboriginal health service has been placed under special administration while South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council has removed its chief executive after a disputed property deal.
Perth experienced the highest rate of workers returning to the office out of all mainland capital cities during October, according to a Property Council of Australia survey.
Property commentator Trent Fleskens explores the Perth suburbs to invest in if leveraging the government's housing stimulus grants to build a new home.
Megara’s $60 million proposal for an apartment project in North Fremantle has been approved, despite it originally being rejected by the City of Fremantle.
Dale Alcock's ABN Group recorded a decrease in revenue from its Western Australian operations over the past financial year, while revenue from its Victoria operations increased.
City of Fremantle Mayor Brad Pettitt explores tree loss and community pushback in relation to what he claims is a wave of 'dumb density' taking place across Perth.
CoreLogic’s national home value index recorded positive growth for October, with Perth’s housing values up 0.6 per cent amid a tightening rental market.
Privately owned investment company Perron Group has reported a rare annual loss after making big write-downs in the value of its shopping centres and other assets.
Construction has started on Stockland’s new residential community in Glendalough, the national land developer’s first urban infill project in Western Australia in more than 20 years.
National office sublease space jumped by more than 30 per cent in the September quarter, with sublease space in the Perth office market increasing by just 2.2 per cent.