Bassendean-based Roshana Care Group has lodged plans for a 120-bed aged care facility in Victoria Park, adding to the care provider’s substantial list of new projects.
The City of Perth has recommended GDI Property Group's timber-steel hybrid office complex proposal for approval, when the assessment panel meets later this month.
A $190 million plan to transform Midland’s CBD is beginning to take shape, with a key component of the Midland Oval Redevelopment Precinct given the green light.
The state government will expand its Residential Rent Relief Grant Scheme, with unspent grant funding to be repurposed to pay 75 per cent of rent arrears to landlords.
Confidence in Western Australia’s property market has risen to its highest level in recent years, according to the latest Property Council of Australia survey.
A proposal for purpose-built student accommodation near Curtin University is one of the latest to be submitted under the State Development Assessment Unit.
The 229-room DoubleTree by Hilton Perth Waterfront has welcomed its first guests today, the latest project of several Hilton hotels under way or in the pipeline for Western Australia.
The Australian Apartment Advocacy hopes its new education kit can better inform buyers and owners but also hold developers accountable for poor-quality apartments.
The board of The Agency Group has urged shareholders to ignore a proposal by an entity associated with the real estate company's ex-director and major shareholder.