Western Australia is leading the country in new home sales, up 91.1 per cent in the six months to August, according to the Housing Industry Association.
The state government has committed an additional $30 million to its Building Bonus program, but is yet to respond to industry calls for extending delivery timeframes.
Western Australia will extend COVID-19 emergency laws preventing residential and commercial tenants from eviction, despite opposition from industry groups.
Housing finance figures released today revealed lending for the construction of a new home across Australia hit the highest level recorded in two years, according to the Housing Industry Association.
Western Australia’s civil contractors are feeling the pinch of the government stimulus measures that prompted a surge of new house-and-land sales, with industry calling for timeframe extensions.
One of WA’s largest construction groups has avoided a dispute over allegedly defective building work after arguing the work was undertaken by an entity in liquidation.
The Housing Industry Forecasting Group has estimated dwelling commencements in Western Australia to rise to 17,000 in 2020-21 on the back of government housing stimulus packages.
Construction has started on the new $30 million Brabham Whiteman Edge Shopping Centre, set to feature the state’s first click-and-collect drive-through via a new Coles Online fulfilment centre.
Perth-based developer OP Properties has partnered with energy technology company Power Ledger in plans to create a carbon-neutral apartment complex in Fremantle.
Southern Cross Care WA’s proposal for a six-storey aged care facility in Jolimont, located within the Parkside Walk precinct, has been given the green light.
Property syndicate Quadrant Investments has secured Sydney Tools as a tenant at its Malaga premises, marking the industrial power tool retailer’s initial foray into Western Australia.
Property market analyst CoreLogic recorded a fourth month of decline for Australia’s housing values, but trends are starting to diverge across cities, with Perth’s dwelling values steady.
Subiaco is set for resurgence, but it will take a coordinated approach from landlords, developers and council to take full advantage of its more than $500 million pipeline.
The Agency Group Australia has increased its revenue by 48 per cent to $41.9 million and recorded strong growth, despite being impacted by the COVID-19 downturn.
As the chief investment officer at Andrew Forrest’s private company, 34-year-old John Hartman oversees a very large, extraordinarily diverse and fast-growing portfolio.
Premier Mark McGowan today hailed the start of construction of Blackburne’s $280 million ONE Subiaco project as the first stage of the suburb’s transformation.