Property developer Peet has been joined to a NSW Supreme Court damages claim worth up to $28 million brought by one of its former joint venture partners.
Nicheliving has temporarily lost its ability to build homes or enter into new contracts after the supervisor nominated for its building contractor division left the role.
A development assessment panel has approved a two-year extension to start construction of a Nedlands project that has gone through a change of ownership and planning hurdles.
Ian Armstrong has stepped off the board of major private conglomerate Perron Group, to be replaced after 35 years as a director by Victorian Ken Marshman.
Cedar Woods Properties has partnered with Tokyo Gas to develop a 9,784 square metre site in Subiaco that has been earmarked for hundreds of apartments.
The Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre says there should be more incentives for workers in the building and construction industry if WA is to meet it housing targets.
A development assessment panel has approved MSWA’s multi-million-dollar proposal to build an assisted living centre near Rockingham, for people living with neurological conditions.
Perron Group has sought a four-year extension to start building the $1 billion Cockburn Quarter project, citing “extenuating circumstances” in the market.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has raised concerns about the proposed $1.3 billion acquisition of a dozen residential projects, including two in Perth.
Financiers are chasing Iris Residential boss Simon Trevisan over $38.7 million they alleged he failed to pay as security for projects in Claremont and Booragoon.