Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has dodged questions on property tax reforms, and conceded newly minted housing Minister Clare O’Neil could “have other measures”.
A class action lawsuit against three BGC Housing Group companies has commenced in the Supreme Court of WA on behalf of thousands of aggrieved homeowners.
Broome’s Eco Beach Resort has been put on the market for the first time since it was built as plans surface to take the remote destination to a new level of luxury.
The latest reports about the CFMEU have sparked calls from the state’s construction industry body for authorities to examine the negotiation processes for EBAs.
Records show the newly appointed supervisor for Nicheliving's building arm had a run-in with the Building Commissioner eight years ago over negligent and misleading conduct.
Regents is set to start construction on a $18 million aged care development north of Perth, which will be the aged care provider’s sixth facility in the state.