Vicinity Centres has flagged a timeframe for the stalled $350 million redevelopment of Morley Galleria, with initial works to start in this financial year.
Leading economist Tim Lawless says conditions are improving for growth in medium and high-density housing in Perth, but more could be done to incentivise supply.
Minister Carey and Shadow Planning Minister Neil Thomson have today engaged in war of words over the state government’s appointment of Emma Cole as WAPC chair.
Former Nicheliving customers have so far been paid out more than $30 million worth of taxpayer-underwritten insurance claims, as new builders take on the unfinished work.
Hancock Prospecting has hit a planning hurdle in its bid to put up a large sign at its West Perth office, with the City of Perth recommending it be refused.
A holiday resort in Busselton is set for a multimillion-dollar upgrade after a development assessment panel approved the owners’ application to demolish ageing chalets.
Aldi is set to build a supermarket on the former Captain Stirling shops site in Nedlands, after clearing a planning hurdle in a meeting that lasted more than four hours.
Bayswater Mayor Filomena Piffaretti says she has zero confidence in the property developers moving on the Galleria Shopping Centre without imposed timelines on the delayed redevelopment.
A development assessment panel has greenlit a multi-million-dollar neighbourhood plaza plan in Satterley Property Group’s Catalina estate north of Perth.
Perth property developers continue to grapple with Western Power connection delays, while the utility insists work is underway to clear backlogs and improve timelines.
The ASX-listed developer has resurrected the apartment component of its Subiaco Incontro development, three and a half years on from when it was approved.
Controversy continues to plague Saracen Properties' proposed Gnarabup resort, with most of the 2,690 submissions to the environmental watchdog against the $118 million project.
Stockland has sued collapsed builder Probuild and a commercial plumbing company, alleging contractual breaches over the $116 million redevelopment of its Baldivis shopping centre.
Bunnings’ property arm BWP Trust has reported a net profit of $157 million in the six months to December 31, up from the $53.2 million recorded for the same period last year.