Richard Goyder has been named as the incoming chair of one of Australia’s largest private companies, just months after his early retirement from the Qantas board.
The number of housing starts in the state is expected to rise steadily in the coming years, with construction of homes to increase by nearly 7 per cent next year.
Nicheliving directors have fronted a $200,000 indemnity to cover operating costs and ensure the administrators get paid in the "likely" event the construction entities are too strapped for cash.
A $10,000 incentive to attract eastern states construction workers to Western Australia has been described as a shot in the arm for the industry amid the state’s crippling housing crisis.
A $900 million fund has been welcomed by economists hopeful it will modernise the construction industry where productivity has been flat for three decades.
A development assessment panel has knocked back a $500 million plan to build a workers’ camp in South Hedland over issues on the design and the mystery surrounding the tenant.
Perron Group is selling out of the expansive Vasse Estate, a master-planned community on the outskirts of Busselton, with its stake tipped to be worth tens of millions of dollars.
Nutrien Ag has proposed a $70 million facility in Rockingham, being the first major tenant signed up to build on industrial land owned by Philip Cardaci’s CFC Group.
The WA government has approved a new scheme for Mandogalup in hopes to solve uncertainties over the controversial area developers have eyed for housing for more than a decade.
The commercial contractor behind two Metronet stations, the State Football Centre and Elizabeth Quay, will be absorbed into its parent company amid several redundancies.
BGC Australia has returned to the black after two years of big losses, helped by major asset sales, but acknowledged its continuing operations are still trading in the red.