The state government has defended its selection of a South Korean associated company to build an artificial reef at Geographe Bay in the state's south.
Foreign investment in Australia is being inhibited by its strong dollar and perceptions about its attitude to offshore investment, according to the latest Global Ambition survey.
The first indigenous woman elected to an Australian parliament has come out swinging against Browse gas hub opponents, saying the Broome community is not divided over the proposal and it's only a s
A review of local government in metropolitan Perth has called for a reduction in the number of councils from 30 to 12 and the introduction of compulsory voting in local council elections.
Western Australia should maintain its AAA credit rating if steps being taken by the Barnett government are as effective as hoped, Treasurer Troy Buswell says.
Western Australia's retirement village residents will have an avenue to appeal unwarranted hikes to charges under laws that have passed state parliament.
Electricity network operator Western Power says it still doesn't know the cause of the 2009 Toodyay bushfire that destroyed 38 homes and continues to deny any liability, despite paying compensation
China's manufacturing activity contracted in October but at a slower pace than in previous months, a sign the slowdown in the world's number two economy is bottoming out.
Economists say a larger-than-expected rise in inflation for the September quarter could encourage Australia's central bank to keep the cash rate steady at its next meeting.
Global economic uncertainty is continuing to weigh on the Western Australian economy, but the state’s peak industry group is nonetheless forecasting economic growth of 6.5 per cent for the 2012-13
The local head of global fuel giant BP has warned that Australia is losing investment because it is increasingly expensive to do business and the federal government is failing to tackle the issue.
A modest tightening in the federal government's budget position adds to the case for lower interest rates, but a reduction in November still hinges on another benign inflation reading.
Western Australia is still the nation's economic powerhouse but a slowdown in the mining sector could lead to weaker spending and a softer jobs market.
Of all the numbers subject to change in the next mid-year federal budget review, it seems pretty safe to say the predicted $1.5 billion surplus for this financial year will remain largely intact.
The Gillard government has used a draft report into electricity supplies to renew its argument that the carbon tax isn't responsible for the bulk of price hikes.