The federal government wants to crack down on corporate tax cheats by improving transparency and the sharing of information between key corporate regulators.
The state government and opposition have questioned the true cost of each other’s major transport projects, with treasury costings for both parties’ plans still yet to be released despite months of
The state Liberal party has been the main beneficiary of donations from Western Australian business over the past year, new campaign finance data reveals.
Western Australia’s peak business group has challenged both sides of politics to permanently increase the payroll tax threshold, hand over control of energy prices to an independent regulator and c
Prime Minister Julia Gillard insists she hasn't fired the starter's gun for an eight-month election campaign, but is still demanding the coalition detail its policies.
Premier Colin Barnett has rejected suggestions he inappropriately used a government jet to fly to Albany for an election campaign launch, saying the event was not for him.
Final decisions on $126 billion of planned resources projects during 2013 will determine whether the investment pipeline slows gradually or comes to an abrupt halt, an independent forecaster says.
With the election date set, Australia's business community is urging both sides of federal politics to quickly start fleshing out their corporate policies.
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says the 2013 federal election will be about trust when the poll is held in eight months' time."The coalition is ready," he told reporters in Canberra.
If Labor wins the state election in March, the $2.6 billion Elizabeth Quay project on the waterfront could get a name change. But it probably won't be Regina Marina.
Premier Colin Barnett's threat to withhold election campaign funding from the federal Liberal party unless it backs his push for GST reform is "not believable", state Opposition Leader Mark M
Any moves away from live animal exports and towards more meat processing in Western Australia will be well planned and in consultation with the industry, Opposition Leader Mark McGow
A survey that shows businesses have estimated a 14.5 per cent jump in energy costs due to the carbon tax underlines why the impost must be scrapped, Tony Abbott says.
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has called on the federal government to publish its latest budget position numbers so the coalition can work out its surplus prospects.
Australia's mining construction boom is expected to peak in late 2013 and government spending cuts are making it harder to find a new driver of economic growth, economics advisory group Deloitte Ac
One day after being heckled by environmental protesters in Broome, premier Colin Barnett has announced plans to make the world-renowned Horizontal Falls in the Kimberley part of a new national park
West Australian Labor leader Mark McGowan has officially launched his party's state election campaign, declaring it a "referendum on priorities" and claiming he was more in touch with the community
The nation’s peak industry group has applauded the federal government’s reinstatement of incentive payments for employers taking on first-year apprentices to engineering trades.
Treasurer Wayne Swan says the federal government is giving infrastructure financing "serious consideration" as a Labor appointee to the Reserve Bank board calls for budget deficits to fund new road