The war of words over the cost of the state opposition’s Metronet heavy rail plan has continued, with Transport Minister Troy Buswell claiming Labor has failed to account for “at least” $1 billion
The central bank will have to cut the cash rate again at some stage given the chronic low levels of business and consumer confidence, a leading business group says.
Opposition to the carbon tax by Western Australia's Labor leader Mark McGowan has been ridiculed by the state's Liberals as electioneering by a "fence sitter".
Australians are struggling to put money aside, while households are feeling less comfortable after having spent their carbon tax compensation allowances, a survey has found.
Premier Colin Barnett has raised the stakes in the popularity contest in the run up to the March 9th state election by announcing plans to loosen up liquor laws.
The WA Liberal Party says building economic and cultural ties with Asia and Africa will be priorities if it is re-elected in the March state election, while the opposition has pledged to focus on b
The federal opposition says Treasurer Wayne Swan has been stalling for time by not releasing the revenue amounts raised by the government's mining tax.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard is pressuring the coalition over its superannuation plans, even though Labor has declined to guarantee it won't change the treatment of retirement savings.
Western Australia's Labor party is "ashamed" of its own name because of the record of Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her federal colleagues, Premier Colin Barnett claims.
Western Australia sealed a good deal with James Packer despite the billionaire being granted a $35 million discount on land on which he plans to build a six-star, 500-room hotel, Premier
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott is backing away from a draft coalition discussion paper proposing incentives and beneficial tax rates to encourage people to move to northern Australia.