There are signs of life and glimmers of hope in the market after a reporting season that beat expectations - albeit only slightly - and promised better things to come.
The credibility of Liberal and Labor election promises are both under question, with Troy Buswell admitting the Liberals three major pledges are reliant on being half funded by the Commonwealth, an
Thousands of angry unionists knocked on Premier Colin Barnett's office door to voice their frustration at overseas recruitment yesterday - only to find he was out campaigning thousands of kilometre
Global credit rating agency Standard & Poor's expects Australian economic growth will remain close to trend in coming years, as public debt peaks at a low level.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard believes the Australian dollar will stay high for some time but says this shouldn't stop the nation from having a viable manufacturing sector.
Premier Colin Barnett has committed a future Liberal government to build the long-proposed Perth-Darwin Highway adding to a string of expensive transport projects the competing parties have promise
Qantas has rejected former prime minister Malcolm Fraser's claim it interfered in the case of two Australian businessmen languishing in detention in Dubai.
Western Australia’s business community says a pledge by Troy Buswell at this morning’s debate with Ben Wyatt to increase the payroll tax threshold by $100,000 does not go far enough to ease pressure on companies. (Click through to watch the full debate).
Seven Western Australian business representative groups have come together in a united front against payroll tax, urging whichever party wins next month’s state election to “lift the tax on jobs”.
Western Australia appears set to follow Victoria and opt out of Julia Gillard's proposed Gonski school reforms, if Premier Colin Barnett is re-elected in March.
Nurses have accepted an in-principle offer of a 14 per cent pay increase over three years from Premier Colin Barnett, putting an end to bed closures and further strike action.
The mining industry has backed the Liberal Party’s pledge to invest $20 million to ensure the continued growth of the resources sector in Western Australia if it wins next month’s state election.
Australian Greens leader Christine Milne says the federal government's Gonski education reforms should be fast-tracked and the necessary funding drawn from a redesigned mining tax.
The leader of the West Australian nurses' union says he was sworn at in a confrontation with the head of the state's health department as nurses made further threats to strike at public hospitals o
Treasurer Wayne Swan denies a proposal to ensure the costs of political promises are revealed soon after the election means Labor is heading for election defeat.
The issue of electricity prices has finally emerged in the state campaign after weeks of both major parties obsessing over major infrastructure projects.
Mark McGowan has done another flip flop on Perth's waterfront development, the incumbent Liberals say, suddenly backing a new plan and calling for the immediate closure of Riverside Drive.