Camping & outdoors - retail
Price: $530,000
Retailer of camping and outdoor products including tents, fishing gear etc.
Gary Murphy 9481 4422
Goodwin Mitchell O’Hehir
Caravan park
Price: $1.39m
Wholly owned subsidiary Freehold Mining Ltd, entered into a joint venture with Apex Minerals NL covering ground adjacent to the Abra base metals deposit.
Explains how primary producers and irrigation water providers can claim deductions of the capital expenditure incurred on a water facility.
Roger Cook has joined CPR Communications & Public Relations as Western Australia general manager. Mr Cook was most recently at the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council.
PLANTATION timber company RuralAus Investments - formerly known as Australian Growth Limited - has plans to boost its cash reserves and restructure its board as it seeks re-quotation of its shares on
WA’s largest annual hospitality event, Hospitality on Show 2005 – Liquor and Hospitality Convention and Tradeshow, will be held from Monday May 2 until Thursday May 5 at Burswood International Resort
Has reached agreement with Tennessee based gas producer Miller Petroleum Inc to jointly develop an approximate 10,400 acre area located in Campbell County, Appalachian Basin.
Explains how a rural land irrigation water provider can claim a deduction for capital expenditure incurred on a landcare operation for land in Australia in the
year it is incurred.