The tax office has produced a suite of activity statement ratios for most industries in consultation with industries and tax professionals.
The Australian Medical Association (WA) has appointed Perth journalist Raeley Nind (pictured) as assistant manager public relations, and deputy editor of the association’s monthly journal.
Vulcan Resources Limited and Rox Resources Limited have changed their registered office and principal place
of business to:
Ground Floor, 1 Altona Street, West Perth WA 6005
Rejected CopperCo Ltd’s recent claims regarding its proposed strategic alliance with Xstrata Copper and recommended that its shareholders continue to REJECT the conditional increase in offer terms ann
WORKCOVER’S announcement of a 2.9 per cent overall increase in the recommended premium for compulsory workers’ compensation insurance has been greeted with dismay by employer group the WA Chamber of C
LOCALLY-BASED gold explorer Centamin Egypt Limited has resolved a dispute with the Egyptian Government at its operations in the country, clearing the way for development of its Sukari gold project.
P. Sharbenee,, Cunningham Sec, Northlight Nom & Shah Nom became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 2,885,000 ordinary shares (7.29%).
Is to pay R4 million cash and 2.75 million Dwyka shares to acquire the Blaauwbosch, Newlands, New Elands and West End Mines located in the Northern Cape in South Africa
The Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) presents the Company Directors Conference 2005 – the Outward Journey, from May 11 to 14 at the Hyatt Regency Perth.
The construction of the Perth Seawater Desalination Plant by the Multiplex-Degremont joint venture will be overseen by Water Corporation general managers Peter Moore (pictured above), Sue Murphy and K
Due to the liquidation of the Company’s substantial shareholding in Asset Backed Holdings Ltd it has decided it will not be proceeding with a placement announced to the market on 17 March 2005.
Winemakers have faced a final hurdle as vintage 2005 draws to a close, particularly in the South West, where recent rain has added a extra dimension to near-completed programs.
THE signing of a Native Title agreement between a group of traditional Aboriginal owners and Tanami Gold will pave the way for development of the Coyote gold project, 200km south-east of Halls Creek i
Cleveland Cliffs Australia Pty Ltd increased its relevant interest from 140,881,185 ordinary shares (80.1873%) to 141,235,232 ordinary shares (80.3689%).
Xstrata will pay PMA $0 million within 14 days, comprising $5 million, due to PMA as royalty payments until the final rehabilitation of the Windimurra site (under a previous agreement between Xstrata
Placed 75,700,120 fully paid ordinary shares at an issue price of $0.05 per share and 50,466,747 free attaching options to clients of licensed securities dealers raising $3,785,006 before costs.