Announced a Heads of Agreement has been reached for the establishment of a new iron ore joint venture to explore for iron ore on Helix’s Yalleen project in the Hamersley region.
Two gold industry awards for outstanding community service were also presented at the dinner to John Dow, former Australian Gold Council Chairman and Newmont Australia managing director and Hugh Da
Chris Hodge has been appointed as executive director of exploration at Adelphi Energy. He is currently employed as manager of exploration, development and production with Mitsui Australia.
Cleveland Cliffs Australia Pty Ltd increased its relevant interest from 139,956,538 ordinary shares (79.8622%) to 139,964,408 ordinary shares (79.6665%).
Announced a Heads of Agreement has been reached for the establishment of a new iron ore joint venture to explore for iron ore on Helix’s Yalleen project in the Hamersley region.
Has entered into an option agreement with Regency Mines PLC for the proposed sale of four iron ore exploration projects in the Northern Territory, Australia.
COLLIERS International Perth has sold a 3,131 square metre waterfront development site in South Perth for a record $10.75 million to an offshore purchaser.
Issue price: $0.20
Principal activities: Nickel exploration.
Corporate: Shane Sadleir (managing director); Michael Young (non-executive director); Stephen Brockhurst (non-executive director).