In some respects, this year’s field was harder to judge than ever because of the wider-than-usual spread of businesses – not just from sector to sector but also in scale.
SOFTWARE development company HarvestRoad has announced its 2004-05 net loss is expected to be $2.2 million, compared with its previous estimate of a $1.0 million loss.
Proposed code: WNI
Issue price: $0.20
Principal activities: nickel exploration.
Corporate: Peter Briggs (chairman); Dean Goodwin (director); Raymond Muskett (director); George Lee (director).
Offer period for takeover of Geraldton Newspapers Ltd ended with WAN and its associates having a relevant interest in 98.8512 % of GNL shares – compulsory acquisition will proceed.
PT Freeport Indonesia vice president underground operation Leon Thomas, Philippines Mines and Geosciences Bureau director Horacio Ramos and Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre senior project e
Has achieved priority to the grant of two Exploration Licences Applications within the Duketon Belt, adding a further 100 km_ to the Project and are subject to a 2% net smelter royalty.
If you use a capital asset, such as a car or machinery, in earning your income, you may be able to claim a deduction for the cost of that asset, spread over its effective life. NAT 1996-6.2005.
SKILLED Group has substantially expanded its Western Australian presence through the $20 million purchase of local staffing services business Extraman.
Carl Huxtable has been appointed as a partner of chartered accounting firm Jones Condon (formerly Melsom Robson). The firm’s founding partner Peter Melsom has retired.
CURRENT West Coast Eagles footballer David Wirripunda’s performance at the Commonwealth Bank Cup was compared to that of Wayne Carey at the same competition seven years earlier.
540,000 options to subscribe for ordinary shares at an exercise price of 20 cents each on or before 31 March 2009 will be released from escrow on 7 July 2005
Has entered into a conditional agreement with Turon Gold Pty Ltd and its shareholders to purchase 100% of the issued capital of Turon Gold for 50,000,000 ordinary shares in Black Range.
Has agreed to make a sophisticated investor placement of up to 4.0 million shares at $0.27 each to clients of Paterson Securities Ltd and Foster Stockbroking.
KPMG Forensic partner Gary Gill, to speak on Fraud Control and Prevention in the Public Sector for the Institute of Public Administration Australia (WA Division), July 20 at the Novotel Langley Hotel.
Brandrill Limited has changed its registered office and principal place of business to:
27 Quill Way, HENDERSON WA 6166
Ph: (08) 9494 6500; Fax: (08) 9494 6501
If you have an interest in a foreign investment fund or foreign life policy, this guide explains how foreign investment funds legislation affects you. NAT 2130-6.2005.