This fact sheet explains the rules to allow franking deficit tax (FDT) to be offset against a liability for income tax.
Published: July 6 2005
Former IBM vice-president (global strategy) Nicholas Coutts to present an event in the Future Paradigms Series for the Australia – Israel Chamber of Commerce, July 21 at the Hyatt Regency Perth.
Great Southern Plantations Limited appointed Neil Hackett as company secretary, Stuart Moran as assistant general manager of sales, and Natalie Egan as general manager – marketing.
MINERAL sands miner Ticor has advised its shareholders to take no action over an indicative proposal from Kumba Resources, in which a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kumba is seeking to acquire all Ticor’s
GROWTH in Western Australia’s burgeoning jobs market slowed in the June quarter, according to the latest jobs figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
ADVANCED Engine Components has agreed to pay $300,000 to settle a patent dispute with Gas Torque Engines, and in so doing has disclosed plans to form an Australian industry consortium to supply the na
Proposed code: LAD
Issue price: $0.20
Principal activities: diamond exploration.
Corporate: Send Fai Chan (chairman); Ross Kestel (non-executive director); John Terpu (non-executive director).
RAB Special Situations Master Fund Ltd has entered into an agreement to subscribe up to 2,500,000 shares at 0.50p in UK registered Pacific Ore Ltd, the recentlyformed holding company for the proprieta
Green Rock Energy Limited has changed its registered and postal addresses to:
Unit 6, 38-40 Colin Street
PO Box 1177
THE Swan River Catchment Council has recently been awarded $12 million of funding over three years from the Natural Heritage Trust (NHT), but with a conservation area from Bindoon to Rockingham to cov
Has signed a joint venture with Guangxi Longtaushan Gold Mine for the right to earn an 80% interest in the Longtaushan gold mine and/or any new discoveries on the adjacent exploration licences in Guan