WESFARMERS has budgeted to double its capital expenditure in the current financial year to more than $900 million, including a major expansion of its ammonium nitrate plant at Kwinana.
Ashburton Minerals Ltd 4-Aug-05 Trans Pacific Gold Pty Ltd has completed the acquisition of the historic Mina Inglesa gold mine at Crixas in the state of Goias in Brazil
Murray Wheater has returned to the Perth office of law firm Blake Dawson Waldron as a senior associate, after seven years of practising in London; initially with Slaughter & May and then as a seni
WESTERN Australian companies Woodside Petroleum, Hardman resources and Sphere Investments are moni-toring the situation in the West African nation of Mauritania following a military coup last week.
Kimberley Diamond Company NL 28-Jul-05 Merrill Lynch & Co decreased its relevant interest from 20,568,519 ordinary shares (8.19%) to 18,281,000 ordinary shares (7.19%).
Sedimentary Holdings Ltd 4-Aug-05 Has entered into an agreement with private interests in respect of the St Arnaud Goldfield in north west Victoria whereby the agreement, incorporates an option to pur
URANIUM hopeful Reefton Mining’s recent troubles have compounded with the announcement that the company’s Alternative Investment Market (AIM) nominated adviser, Grant Thornton, has resigned.Reefton’s
Aurox Resources Ltd22-Jul-05 Andrew Haythorpe & Ouro Pty Ltd & Tesha Pty Ltd. Became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 1,900,000 ordinary shares (5.36%)
Moto Goldmines Ltd 2-Aug-05 Proposes to issue up to 7 million common shares at an issue price of CDN$2.70 each, together with 3.5 million attaching warrants on the basis of one warrant for every two s
IN the battle to attract high-calibre staff, one not-for-profit player has taken an innovative approach to executive recruitment by offering to fund a post-graduate student in return for their time an
Independence Group NL 2-Aug-05 Has entered into a conditional agreement with WMC Resources Ltd, to purchase the existing Long Nickel Mine shaft, decline and related infrastructure.