Peet & Company Ltd 5-Aug-05 114,000,000 shares will be released from voluntary escrow on the date PPC intends lodging its Appendix 4E – Preliminary Final Report with the ASX.
Pioneer Nickel Ltd 9-Aug-05 Has agreed to place a further 4,046,875 ordinary shares at an issue price of 16 cents to sophisticated and professional investors.
Global Environmental Management Systems principal Tom Galimberti, New Zealand environment ministry chief executive officer Barry Carbon, Integrated Waste Management Consulting principal Matthew Cotton
EVANS & Tate will write down its wine inventory by about $A16.5 million for the year ended June 30 2005 after findings from an independent wine valuation were accepted by the company’s board this
FORTESCUE Metals Group has announced the signing of a major land access agreement across most of its Chichester Range iron ore project site, in the Pilbara.The agreement, between FMG and the Nyiyaparl
Wasabi Energy Ltd 10-Aug-05 Has entered into a joint venture agreement with Western Canadian Coal Corp to explore and develop the Lillyburt Coal Project located in south east British Columbia.
Gordon Martin wins Australian Institute of Company Directors WA 2005 Gold Medal Award Gordon Martin, executive chairman of private company Coogee Chemicals, has been awarded the Australian Institute o
Bakeries (2) Price $1.465m Two well-known, established retail bakeries. High level of repeat custom with growth to trade expected. Readily operated under full management.
HIGH-PROFILE business identity Steve Vizard’s recent admission to ASIC that he misused his position on the Telstra board to buy and sell shares in three companies has once again thrown the issue of in
Advanced Engine Component Ltd 3-Aug-05 Beijing based division has signed a technical agreement with FAW Dalian Diesel Engine Company Ltd to develop a Euro 3 emission, 3.2 litre, natural gas engine.
Alphawest Ltd 29-Jul-05 UBS Nominees Pty Ltd became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 2,603,692 ordinary shares (7.30%). 5.86%) to 3,144,754 ordinary shares (5.96%).
Anvil Mining Ltd 2-Aug-05 Mutoshi Legal Dispute is over whereby Chemaf have signed an undertaking that no further legal action, claims, rights or demands will be made, or can be made against the curre
WESTERN Power has reversed its policy in negotiations with unions by withdrawing a claim for the re-introduction of Australian Workplace Agreements from its new certified agreement.This follows commen