Cooper Energy Ltd 28-Jul-05 Tunisian Department of Energy Hydrocarbon Consultative Committee has agreed to award Cooper Energy (BVI) Ltd a Prospecting Permit over the Bargou Block in the shallow offsh
EARTH-moving equipment supplier Emeco has entered into an agreement to acquire Canadian-based River Valley Equipment Sales (RVS), a mid-sized earthmoving equipment rental and sales company operating i
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Resources Limited has changed its contact details to:48 Lake Street NORTHBRIDGE WA 6003 PO Box 312 NORTHBRIDGE WA 6865Ph: (08) 9228 9742, Fax: (08) 9228 8685
Sofcom Ltd 19-Jul-05 Data Base Systems Ltd decreased its relevant interest from 36,679,162 ordinary shares (82.22%) to 12,420,439 ordinary shares (27.8%).
Tianshan Goldfields Ltd 25-Jul-05 Has acquired 100% of the minority interests in Mineral Securities (Xinjiang) Pty Ltd, which increases the Company’s earn-in capacity in the Gold Mountain Project.
Mount Burgess Mining NL A General Meeting will be held at Cliftons, Ground Floor, Parmelia House, 191 St. Georges Terrace, Perth, Western Australia at 3.00 pm on Friday 26 August 2005
REDUCING debilitating eye disease in the remote Pilbara region’s Aboriginal communities has recently become a goal of the Lions Eye Institute (LEI) and BHP Billiton.LEI has, with the help of program s
The Western Australian Trade Enquiry Service is operated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australian (CCI) with the support of the WA Government's Department of
August 23 Korab Resources Proposed code: KOR Issue price: $0.20 Principal activities: gold explorer Corporate: Andrej Karpinski (executive chairman); Rodney Skeet (non-executive director); Malcolm McK
Aurox Resources Ltd22-Jul-05 John Chegwidden And Ausnom Pty Ltd became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 2,157,248 ordinary shares (6.08%).
Green Rock Energy Ltd 25-Jul-05 Perilya Ltd increased its relevant interest from 7,500,000 ordinary shares (18.5%) to 15,000,000 ordinary shares (27.1%).
Australian Wine Holdings Ltd 25-Jul-05 Finalised the terms of a wine supply agreement, incorporating a joint venture arrangement with McWilliam’s Wines Pty Ltd.
Western Areas NL 28-Jul-05 Has reached agreement with Hartleys Ltd to raise approximately $7.06 million through the placement of 4,200,000 shares at $1.68 per share to a small number of Australian and
MANGANESE producer Consolidated Minerals has further diversified its business by moving into the copper sector, acquiring a 19.9 per cent shareholding in Jabiru Metals.
Westralian Nickel Proposed code: WNI Issue price: $0.20 Principal activities: nickel exploration.Corporate: Peter Briggs (chairman); Dean Goodwin (director); Raymond Muskett (director); George Lee (di
Australian Development Capital Ltd 22-Jul-05 Craig Ian Burton decreased its relevant interest from 16,135,600 ordinary shares (16.72%) to 13,135,600 ordinary shares (13.61%).
DRDGOLD 28-Jul-05 Has entered into a memorandum of understanding with Khumo Bathong Holdings (Proprietary) Ltd where DRDGOLD will indirectly acquire KBH’s debt and equity interests in Crown Gold Reco
Emperor Mines Ltd A General Meeting will be held at 11.00 am on Monday 29 August 2005 at the Menzies Hotel, 14 Carrington Street, Sydney, New South Wales.
Expert Services in the Delivery of Professional Development for School Teachers in Sexual Health Education - Department of Health oncord Training Services & WA Health Education Services 166,925
Town planner Alan Gray has been appointed to the newly-created position of strategic property manager with Anglican Homes, one of Western Australia’s largest aged care providers.