Oceana Gold Ltd 2-Aug-05 Commonwealth Bank of Australia decreased its relevant interest from 30,242,325 ordinary shares (8.40%) to 26,501,244 ordinary shares (7.36%).
Scimitar Resources Ltd 8-Aug-05 Has applied for a further Exploration Licence in the northern Flinders Ranges of South Australia, which covers parts of the prospective Mount Painter Complex, 5km to t
Non-Profit News Service No. 0111 - DGR lists on ABN Lookup Aug 2005. Lists of deductible gift recipients can now be downloaded from the ABN Lookup website.
Red 5 Ltd 27-Jul-05 Mathews Capital Partners Sabre Fund became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 15,507,964 ordinary shares (6.2%).
A TAKEOVER offer from Straits Resources for local target Tritton Resources looks likely to succeed, following recent progress in the bid for the company.Coal and copper producer Straits is expected to
Cougar Metals NL 11-Aug-05 Kent Jason Swick increased its relevant interest from 2,972,020 ordinary shares (7.01%) to 3,971,979 (9.37%) ordinary shares.
Black Range Minerals NL 5-Aug-05 Ascent Capital Pty Ltd decreased its relevant interest from 51,400,000 ordinary shares (19.75%) to 36,400,000 ordinary shares (12.16%).
Fortescue Metals Group Ltd 12-Aug-05 Announce the signing of the primary "whole of claim" Land Access Agreement across most of its Chichester Range project site.
Taxation treatment of rebates, incentives and other allowances received by greeting card retailers If you operate a business as a greeting card retailer and are in receipt of rebates and or other ince
WASTE from Western Australian industry is being put to good use at the recently launched REmida Creative Reuse Centre in Carine.The centre has started taking school and community group memberships thi
THE future of regional air services in Western Australia has become clearer with the State Government selecting preferred applicants for exclusive licences to operate regulated non-jet routes.Planning
Management consulting firm Intrepid Australia has appointed Sally Wilkinson as a consultant. Ms Wilkinson, originally from Perth, has worked in the United Kingdom for 10 years.
Nustar Mining Corporation 3-Aug-05 Investors Mutual Ltd became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 54,900,000 ordinary shares (5.55%).
Precious Metals Australia Ltd 9-Aug-05 The sale by Xstrata of the tenements, remaining assets and Windimurra project information to PMA has been finalised.