ENERGY player Alinta has flagged its intention to spin-off utility infrastructure assets acquired from Duke Energy Corporation last year in an initial public offering worth $868 million to the gas uti
Bullion Minerals Ltd 16-Aug-05 Tim R B Goyder increased his relevant interest from 14,892,750 ordinary shares (15.51%) to 16,142,250 ordinary shares (16.81%).
Black Range Minerals Ltd 16-Aug-05 Ascent Capital Pty Ltd decreased its relevant interest from 36,400,000 ordinary shares (12.16%) to 32,350,000 ordinary shares (10.60%).
Bone Medical Ltd Australia 18-Aug-05 2,490,205 ordinary shares and 715,781 Class C preference shares will be released from ASX escrow on 30 August 2005.
Yamarna Goldfields Ltd 15-Aug-05 Has agreed to a placement of up to 105,000,000 shares at an issue price of 0.8 cents each to clients of Peregrine Corporate Ltd to raise approximately $840,000 before
Price $1.72m Supplier of industrial workwear to construction, industrial markets and government sectors. Specialist in the industry. Murray Brown 9481 4422 Goodwin Mitchell O’Hehir
Resonance Health 16-Aug-05 Subsidiary Resonance Health Analysis Services has signed an agreement with the New England Research Institutes to provide FerriScan® as part of clinical trials into the iron
AXIS Financial Group has appointed Brendan King as client servicing adviser with their corporate division, responsible for client service on a national basis.
Australian Wine Holdings Ltd 8-Aug-05 Has finalised the sale and lease back of the Karridale Vineyard with settlement being effected on Friday 5 August 2005.
NSW Department of Primary Industries’ Charles Mackowski to speak on sustainability for the Institute of Public Administration Australia (WA Division), August 26 at the Sheraton Hotel.
STARTING small is expected to help Perth-based biotechnology company NeuroDiscovery suc-ceed initially following its $1.5 million float, during a difficult period for many other biotech stocks.Offerin
Lake Argyle-Bow River Diamonds Proposed code: LAD Issue price: $0.20 Principal activities: diamond exploration.Corp-orate: Send Fai Chan (chairman); Ross Kestel (non-executive director); John Terp
AKD Ltd 12-Aug-05 Has reached an agreement with PT Jogja Magasa International (JMI) and Nusantara Energy Ltd (NEL) whereby it may acquire a 70% interest in the Yogyakarta Ironsands – Pig Iron Project