WESTERN Australian healthcare and research received a major boost last week with $1.3 million in LotteryWest funding granted to tackle diabetes and the official opening of a new biomedical research fa
Eastland Medical Systems Ltd 17-Aug-05 Subsidiary Portland Surgical Products Pty Ltd has concluded a $5m Supply & Distribution Agreement with Sutherland Medical Pty Ltd.
Price $330,000. Freestanding liquor store, located near the city, operated by current owner for 3 years with a high level of exposure to Great Eastern Highway in Belmont.
INVESTMENT Property manager Wentworth Mutual has announced its intention to raise $12.5 million in the form of a $10.5 million placement and a share purchase plan capped at $2 million.
Reclaim Industries Ltd 8-Aug-05 Keith Knowles increased its relevant interest from 10,276,746 ordinary shares (24.71%) to 18,633,770 ordinary shares (29.88%).
ENERGY player Alinta has flagged its intention to spin-off utility infrastructure assets acquired from Duke Energy Corporation last year in an initial public offering worth $868 million to the gas uti
Bullion Minerals Ltd 16-Aug-05 Tim R B Goyder increased his relevant interest from 14,892,750 ordinary shares (15.51%) to 16,142,250 ordinary shares (16.81%).
Black Range Minerals Ltd 16-Aug-05 Ascent Capital Pty Ltd decreased its relevant interest from 36,400,000 ordinary shares (12.16%) to 32,350,000 ordinary shares (10.60%).
Bone Medical Ltd Australia 18-Aug-05 2,490,205 ordinary shares and 715,781 Class C preference shares will be released from ASX escrow on 30 August 2005.
Yamarna Goldfields Ltd 15-Aug-05 Has agreed to a placement of up to 105,000,000 shares at an issue price of 0.8 cents each to clients of Peregrine Corporate Ltd to raise approximately $840,000 before
Price $1.72m Supplier of industrial workwear to construction, industrial markets and government sectors. Specialist in the industry. Murray Brown 9481 4422 Goodwin Mitchell O’Hehir