Having moved out of residential property development in favour of commercial property syndication 18 months ago, Access West is currently completing its sixth commercial syndicate.
Mobilesoft Ltd. 30-Sep-05. John M Gillon & associated entities increased its relevant interest from 17,838,693 ordinary shares (14.389%) to 18,338,693 ordinary shares (15.54%)
Mindax Ltd. Annual General Meeting will be held at the Rydges Perth, Cnr Hay and King Streets, Perth, Western Australia on Friday, 11th November 2005 at 3.30 p.m.
WESTERN Australia produced 15 initial public offerings on the Australian Stock Exchange in the three months to September, equal with New South Wales as the highest number of any state.
Precious Metals Australia Ltd. 30-Sep-05. Westpac Nominee Ltd became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 3,714,285 ordinary shares (5.76%).
Sundance Resources Ltd. 7-Oct-05. Has successfully concluded negotiations to purchase 100% of the Mantos Grandes copper/gold project in Chile for US$1.2m in cash which has now been paid.
Titan Resources Ltd. Annual General Meeting to be held at Plaza Ballroom 1, Hyatt Regency Perth, 99 Adelaide Terrace, Perth, Western Australia 6000, on Friday, 11 November 2005 at 10.30am.
Western Australia’s best-cleaned sites were honoured in the 2005 Golden Service Awards, the building services industry’s premier recognition of excellence.
Café – Southwest. Price $435,000. Outstanding cafe seating 31 inside and 61 in alfresco area. Prominent position on main street in major southwest tourist town.
CLOUGH managing director David Singleton (left) has agreed to become chairman of the Centre of Excellence in e-Medicine, while Sue Wong has been appointed e-Med Centre manager.