Food Outlet Price $78,000 Nets $78,000. Purchaser fulfilled visa requirements, now returning to former industry. Roz Baker 9471 8163 0417 990 441 Fortune Business Marketing
CARILLON City has won the Property Council’s Blue Max Award for shopping centre marketing. Carillon City marketing manager Leili Marshall won the award for 2005 for her entry ‘Flirting with Fashion’.
ASG Group Ltd 12-Oct-05 Together with its bid partner Computer Sciences Corporation has been appointed preferred tenderer for the provision of hardware and support services to the West Australian Gove
CURRENT deputy director general of the Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Paul Frewer, will be the acting director general of the new State Government Department of Water.
South West Jobs Inc chief executive officer Posy Barnes has been appointed to the South West Development Commission Board for three years, replacing Ted Thompson.
Fleetwood Corporation Ltd 11-Oct-05 Perpetual Trustees Australia Ltd became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 2,597,577 ordinary shares (5.60%).
Pharmanet Group Ltd 13-Oct-05 Subsidiary Molecular Pharmacology Limited has entered into a Distribution and Supply Agreement with Molecular Pharmacology (USA) Limited.
Price $343,000 First established in 1998, this busy food retail business offers an excellent range of Chicken/Doner/Falafel kebabs with gourmet extras to satisfy any appetite.
Mining contractor Eltin warned investors that delays in the startup of new projects would have a significant impact on its half-year results, but that revenue growth would come predominantly from new
CONSOLIDATED Minerals managing director Michael Kiernan will leave the company in June next year after nine years leading the diversified miner, following a dispute with institutional investors over a
AUSTAL non-executive director Dario Amara bought 50,000 shares in the company, worth $104,000 almost a fortnight ago, according to an Australian Stock Exchange announcement.
Has changed its registered office details to:Level 1, 329 Hay Street SUBIACO WA 6008. PO Box 1770. SUBIACO WA 6904. Ph: (08) 9286 6999. Fax: (08) 9286 6969