October 17 Quickstep Holdings Code: QHL Issue price: $0.25 Principal activities: commercialisation of manufacturing technology with potential global applications in the rapidly growing composites sect
Carpathian Resources Limited 11-Oct-05 Has placed through its AIM broker, HB-corporate, 27,000,000 fully paid ordinary shares at a price of 3.125p (7.3 cents AUD) per share, to raise £843,750 ($1.96 m
Fortescue Metals Group Ltd 13-Oct-05, Has signed additional sales agreements representing an aggregate of 7.5 million tonnes per annum with four Chinese steel mills.
LATEST drilling by Perth-based Kagara Zinc has enhanced the possibility of a dedicated copper production facility at its Balcooma project in north Queensland.
Kimberley Diamond Company NL 4-Oct-05 Commonwealth Bank of Australia became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 14,234,898 ordinary shares (5.35%).
Price $198,000 Special licence included with est. turnover of $204,000 plant and machinery $81,400. Uncomplicated and regular business, seasonal and easy to expand.
PERTH-BASED Midwest Corp has moved closer to developing its $1.5 billion Weld Range and Koolanooka iron ore projects by signing an historic joint venture with Chinese steel giant Sinosteel Corp.The ag
Agincourt Resources Ltd 5-Oct-05 Commonwealth Bank of Australia changed its relevant interest from 7,490,204 ordinary shares (10.5%) to 7,703,705 ordinary shares (9.09%).
Jubilee Mines Ltd 10-Oct-05 Barclays Global Investors Australia Ltd decreased its relevant interest from 9,306,865 ordinary shares (7.3%) to 8,034,782 ordinary shares (6.28%).
NORTHERN Star Resources has recorded the highest gold grade drilling results ever taken from epithermal-style mineralisation in the East Kimberley region.
JOYCE Corporation has announced that its 49 per cent-owned furniture business, Bedshed, will expand into Queensland after it signed an agreement to acquire the Mattress Discounters business.
West Australian Newspapers Holdings Ltd. 5-Oct-05. Concorde Capital Ltd became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 10,502,855 ordinary shares (5.02%).
Mount Gibson Iron Ltd. 3-Oct-05. Acorn Capital Ltd decreased its relevant interest from 26,816,286 ordinary shares (7.31%) to 22,666,286 ordinary shares (6.07%)
Aspen Group. 3-Oct-05. Advise that the proposed acquisition of an industrial property for the Aspen Diversified Property Fund ("Aspen Diversified") will not proceed.