February 16 - 2006 Economic and Political Overview Committee for Economic Development of Australia, Sheraton Hotel $152 Ph: 9228 2155 perth@ceda.com.au
The Note has been advised that the extension of daylight saving in Sydney and Melbourne by one week to April 2 for the upcoming Commonwealth Games may prove a little problem for those with Microsoft W
Western Australian Primary Industry Minister Monty House said the single desk seller status would remain for the sale of grain exported by the Grain Pool of Western Australia.
February 23 - CCI Leadership Forum - The Commander, the CEO and the Captain Chamber of Commerce and Industry of WA, Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre $330 Ph: 9365 7500 functions@cciwa.com
Last year proved to be one of significant growth and success for listed Western Australian companies, according to a recent stock exchange performance report.
Current RE/MAX Western Australia operations manager, Vicki Veaney, has expanded her portfolio by taking on the additional responsibility of being operations manager for RE/MAX South Australia.
Home Improvements. $1,700,000. Patios, rooms, garage doors etc. Established for 20 years. Tax figures for last 4 years show an average nett to owner-operator $511,283. (2004/2005 $547,335).
This document will assist superannuation payers when they are reporting certain new benefits, or reporting an amendment. http://ato.gov.au/distributor.asp?doc=/content/68347.htm.
The WA National Party will not enter into any coalition agreement with the WA Liberals – even if Opposition Leader Matt Birney wins the next election due in 2009.
Television broadcaster Seven Network Ltd is expected to report a slightly improved half year net profit before abnormals on Monday but program and acquisitions costs could hurt the bottom line, analys
The Western Australian Club is organising a networking breakfast for February 8 at the WA Club members dining room. Speaker Douglas Briggs (B Com. B Ec.
Western Australian science research and development company NeuroDiscovery has reported a “pleasing financial performance in its first half year of operations”, since listing on the Australian Stock E
Civil contractors. EBIT: $1.35 million. This professionally-managed civil engineering contractor derives repeat income from government departmnets, public companies and large private clients.
February 7 - Breakfast by the Bay with Professor Barry Marshall & Dr Robin Warren - 2005 Nobel Prize winners (Physiology or Medicine)The University Club of Western Australia, Club Banquet Hall $2