1-Feb-06Has, through its affiliate Hardman Chinguetti Production Pty Ltd, entered into a term sales contract for its crude oil production entitlement from the Chinguetti field offshore Mauritania, Wes
School building funds and tax deductible gifts.This fact sheet explains whether a fund can be endorsed by the Tax Office as a school building fund and receive income tax deductible gifts.
The Howard Government has failed to remove barriers preventing skilled Western Australian migrants getting work while the country cries out for tradespeople, the State Government says.
Quarterly superannuation guarantee contributions due. The Tax Office today reminded employers that the deadline for December quarter superannuation guarantee contributions is less than a week away.
Professor Mary Chiarella of Clinical Practice Development and Policy Research in the Centre for Health Services Management, University of Technology, Sydney to speak about the Models of Care Project a
Westpac will bump up fees it charges customers for using so-called “foreign" ATMs as new figures revealed Australian consumers forked out a record $583 million in ATM fees to access their own money la
Matthew Jaycock has been promoted to associate at Davis Langdon’s Perth office. Mr Jaydock transferred from the London office in May 2005 and has over 10 years of commercial experience.
Cafe – Southwest. Price: $435,000. Outstanding cafe seating 31 inside and 61 in alfresco area. Prominent position on main street in major southwest tourist town. Ross Scott: 9481 4422.
Iberian Resources Ltd. 12-Jan-06, Matthew Wood & MB Wood Super Fund changed its relevant interest from 7,000,000 ordinary shares (17.37%) to 7,000,000 ordinary shares (10.31%)
The inventive instincts of The Note were intrigued to hear that oceanographers from The University of Western Australia and WA-based company AUV Ltd, in conjunction with engineers from the US, have de
Supermarket/Liquor Store. Price: $1.9 million PSAV. Business and Freehold for sale. Well established business in NW location. Franchise Agreements in place. Onsite accommodation with pool.
Tennant Creek Gold Ltd. 24-Jan-06. Has completed the sale of its investment in AIM-listed minerals group Red Rock Resources plc ("Red Rock"), realising a total consideration of A$665,000.
February 16 - AUSTRADE "Ticket to Export" - Free Briefing - How to become a new exporter, Stirling Business Assoc, Stirling Regional Business Centre Ph: 9240 2393 maxine@stirlingbec.com
March 24 - Property Education Foundation Regatta 2006 Property Council of Australia, Royal Perth Yacht Club $125 Ph: 9426 1200 bosullivan@propertyoz.com.au
After seven years of joint development, a unique piece of Western Australian technology, initially designed for the mining industry, is ready for the international market.The computer-based Ore-3D sys
Kings Minerals Ltd. 23-Jan-06. The company has agreed to place 21,600,000 fully paid ordinary shares at an issue price $0.18 per share to raise $3,888,000.