12-Jan-06 Barclays Global Investors Australia Ltd decreased its relevant interest from 14,966,432 ordinary shares (9.44%) to 13,323,589 ordinary shares (8.44%)
The owner-operator of the A$400 Gas to the Goldfields pipeline in Western Australia said on Friday the May 31 completion date was still possible despite a strike that has halted work on the project fo
Keylinks International Consulting president Patricia Klinck to present a breakfast seminar and course for UWA Extension Summer School, February 2 at the University Club.Siemens South Africa marketing
PERTH-BASED drug discovery company Phylogica has announced Canadian biotechnology firm, Axela Biosensors, will be testing its screening technology on Phylogica’s large pool of Phylomer drug candidates
This document provides an overview of the conduit foreign income rules which were introduced by the Tax Laws Amendment (Loss Recoupment Rules and Other Measures) Act 2005.www.ato.gov.au/distributor.as
John Palermo of Consolidated Global Investments has increased his indirect holdings of ordinary fully paid shares in the company by 30 million shares for a consideration of $300,000, pursuant to a res
For use from January 1 2006. These instructions will help you to complete the Superannuation funds Reasonable benefit limits (RBL) reporting form (NAT 14345).
RESEARCHERS from the Western Australian Institute for Medical Research (WAIMR) have discovered a link between the HLS5 gene and key aspects of Huntington’s disease and Aids development.
Cyril D’Silva and David Peterson, directors of International Finance Corporation of Australasia Pty Ltd (IFCA), have been appointed as official representatives of ALPS Resources Bankers Inc in Austral
WESLEY Mission Perth plays a key role in providing community services support to the people of Perth across a range of areas and through a number of programs.The mission’s charter is two-fold – to pro
Australian Wheat Board has come out in support of its embattled managing director Andrew Lindberg amidst mounting calls for his resignation over the United Nations oil-for-food scandal.The AWB board s
The Western Australian Trade Enquiry Service is operated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia (CCI) with the support of the WA Government's Department of I