Proposed code: AYR, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: gold exploration, Corporate: Peter Harold (non-executive chairman), Dr Jayson Meyers (managing director), Peter Hepburn-Brown (executive d
An agreement in principle has been reached with the Dambimangari People’s negotiation committee who have agreed to the conduct of mining operations and infrastructure works and the grant of Mining Lea
Matt Zuvela has been appointed as principal for Koltasz Smith. Mr Zuvela has been with the company for six years and deals with all aspects associated with project management and town planning.
THE value of Australia’s iron ore exports, almost all of which come from Western Australia, is forecast to jump by more than 26 per cent to $18 billion in 2006-07, replacing metallurgical coal as the
Proposed code: GLA, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: nickel, gold and uranium explorer., Corporate: John Palermo (director), Mark O’ Malley (director), John Hills (director), Douglas Cunningh
Has entered into an agreement with the Martu PBC, the Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Corporation , that deals with the with exploration activity over Reward’s Lake Disappointment potash project tenem
KYLIE Bartle achieved her dream of showing people the incredible billion-year-old Kimberley wilderness in a relaxed atmosphere when her boat, The Kimberley Escape, was launched in March 2000.
HILLSIDE is a co-founding partner of the supply chain alliance known as WA Q Lamb, which has been recognised as the most successful supply chain alliance “from paddock to plate” in the Australian lamb
Proposed code: CRC, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: gold exploration, Corporate: Clive Jones (non-executive chairman), Peter van der Borgh (managing director), George Lazarou (non-executive