Sydney-based Minerals Corporation Ltd said there is a “95 per cent probability” that it will proceed with a $100 million kaolin project near Northam, which will create about 100 permanent jobs.
Fast growing business. 2004 Net: $263,000. Started 5 years ago. Good reputation. Hands on business which is easy to run. Owner retiring or may consider a working partner.
Proposed code: CTP, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: oil and gas exploration., Corporate: Henry Askins (non-executive chairman); John Heugh (managing director); Richard Faull (executive direc
Has reached agreement to acquire its joint venture partner, thus moving to a 100% interest in the Yandera Copper-Molybdenum Project in the Madang Province of PNG, for a combination of A$3 million in c
THE Perth Convention Exhibition Centre has been recognised as the best facility of its kind in the country, winning the highly coveted ‘Meetings & Business Tourism’ title at the 2005 Australian To
The National Australia Bank has uncovered accounting errors worth more than $10 billion in its 2005 annual report and has said it can’t guarantee it won’t uncover further similar mistakes.
Five day business. Run by two people. Netting $90,000 pa. Same owner for seven years. Great little business needs energetic operator to further expand the business.
Proposed code: AYR, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: gold exploration, Corporate: Peter Harold (non-executive chairman), Dr Jayson Meyers (managing director), Peter Hepburn-Brown (executive d
An agreement in principle has been reached with the Dambimangari People’s negotiation committee who have agreed to the conduct of mining operations and infrastructure works and the grant of Mining Lea
Matt Zuvela has been appointed as principal for Koltasz Smith. Mr Zuvela has been with the company for six years and deals with all aspects associated with project management and town planning.
Proposed code: GLA, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: nickel, gold and uranium explorer., Corporate: John Palermo (director), Mark O’ Malley (director), John Hills (director), Douglas Cunningh