StateWest Credit Society Ltd announced its results for the half-year ending December 31 2005, with an after tax profit of $473,000 recorded on revenues of $18.8 million.
ASIC has taken legal action against Fortescue Metals Group Ltd and its CEO Andrew Forrest alleging misleading and deceptive conduct and failure to comply with its continuous disclosure obligations.
The State Government will provide $3.1 million in funding through the Small Business Development Corporation as part of a state-wide small business initiative.
Sydney-based IC2 Global Limited has shifted sights from the telco product arena to agree to farm into an iron ore project held by one of Vladimir Nikolaenko's private company's near Mount Magnet in Western Australia.
THE value of Australia’s iron ore exports, almost all of which come from Western Australia, is forecast to jump by more than 26 per cent to $18 billion in 2006-07, replacing metallurgical coal as the
Proposed code: GLA, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: nickel, gold and uranium explorer., Corporate: John Palermo (director), Mark O’ Malley (director), John Hills (director), Douglas Cunningh
Has entered into an agreement with the Martu PBC, the Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Corporation , that deals with the with exploration activity over Reward’s Lake Disappointment potash project tenem
KYLIE Bartle achieved her dream of showing people the incredible billion-year-old Kimberley wilderness in a relaxed atmosphere when her boat, The Kimberley Escape, was launched in March 2000.
HILLSIDE is a co-founding partner of the supply chain alliance known as WA Q Lamb, which has been recognised as the most successful supply chain alliance “from paddock to plate” in the Australian lamb
Proposed code: CRC, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: gold exploration, Corporate: Clive Jones (non-executive chairman), Peter van der Borgh (managing director), George Lazarou (non-executive
Proposed code: LBT, Issue price: $0.20 , Principal activities: development of technology for use in the automation of microbiology laboratory processing., Corporate: Lusia Guthrie (managing director),
Alliance WA Pty Ltd, The Toad Group Pty Ltd increased its relevant interest from 51,220,604 ordinary shares (12.79%) to 51,605,699 ordinary shares (12.88%),
Has signed an Agreement in Principle with the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to build a world-class 341,000 metric-tons-per-year aluminum smelter (mtpy) in the Cap-de-Ville area in
Announced a placement and a proposed early exercise of June 2006 options amounting to an $8.9 million capital raising to underpin an accelerated exploration, feasibility and pre-development program du
Dr Victor Hugo has been appointed as executive general manager sales and marketing for Iluka Resources Ltd. Dr Hugo was most recently the company’s general manager sales and marketing.
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GARDEN Gurus is a vertically integrated and specialised garden communications company, producing a range of products including TV, newspapers, books, radio program and consultants on improving all asp