If you are an individual investor who is considering participating in the 2006 BHP Billiton share buy-back, this information will give you some guidance as to the likely tax implications of your parti
Announce that it has been awarded the contract for the installation of a utilities package for the Yabulu Extension Project in Queensland, valued at $25.5m.
Simon Martin (left) has been appointed as general manager of Network Ten’s Perth station. Mr Martin replaces Chris O’Connell, who has moved to the company’s Brisbane station.
Well established business with a long and profitable history. Located in a growing South West location. Multiple product lines & repeat clientele. Plant & stock only.
Proposed code: EAR, Issue price: $0.25, Principal activities: gold, nickel and copper exploration, Corporate: Peter Andrews (executive chairman), Ernst Kohler (managing director), Peter Stedwell (non-
Dr Wal Anderson, principal research officer in cropping systems agronomy with the Department of Agriculture, has been awarded an adjunct professorship in the UWA School of Plan Biology.
WHILE we love to think we live in splendid isolation, The Note knows many Western Australians have to suffer the slings and arrows of east coast derision.
Accent Resources NL has engaged Chris Robinson, principal consultant of Hematite Consultants Pty Ltd, to advise the company in relation to evaluation of its iron properties in the Murchison region.
Employers will have more room to breathe following the federal government’s decision to ease rules on keeping extensive records of hours worked by senior executives and managers.
SIX Macquarie Financial Services advisers are believed to have quit the firm’s Perth office to join ex-Sealcorp chief Jan Kolbusz in a new city wealth management business.
Highly profitable niche supplier and manufacturer of essential products to the building industry and private business. The company has developed a very loyal client base in WA over the past 30 years.
Elders Rural Bank, a joint venture between Futuris Corporation Ltd and Bendigo Bank Ltd, has appointed Steven Laidlaw as its new chief financial officer.