Centrepoint Alliance Ltd non-executive director Richard Nelson has increased his indirect shares in the company by 557,328 fully paid shares for a consideration of $405,178.
Well established business with a long and profitable history. Located in a growing South West location. Multiple product lines & repeat clientele. Plant & stock only.
Proposed code: EAR, Issue price: $0.25, Principal activities: gold, nickel and copper exploration, Corporate: Peter Andrews (executive chairman), Ernst Kohler (managing director), Peter Stedwell (non-
Accent Resources NL has engaged Chris Robinson, principal consultant of Hematite Consultants Pty Ltd, to advise the company in relation to evaluation of its iron properties in the Murchison region.
Oakhurst Enterprises Pty Ltd, Leisureneet Consulting Pty Ltd, G & L Steinepreis became a substantial shareholder with a relevant interest of 17,500,000 ordinary shares (5.11%)
Ascent Capital Pty Ltd, David & Garry Steinepreis, Hugh Warner decreased its relevant interest from 4,307,803 ordinary shares (12.68%) to 3,812,469 ordinary shares (11.22%)
Announce that it has arranged the placement of 4.8 million shares at 85 cents each to raise A$ 4,080,000. The placement is being undertaken through Dundee Securities Ltd, a Canadian broking firm.
WESTERN Australian engineering firm AGC has won an $11 million contract to fabricate a mobile biofuels plant for Natural Fuel Australia’s $45 million biodiesel facility in Darwin.
Elders Rural Bank, a joint venture between Futuris Corporation Ltd and Bendigo Bank Ltd, has appointed Steven Laidlaw as its new chief financial officer.
Terrence Micael Allen & Elizabeth Anne Allen & Associates changed its relevant interest from 15,086,714 ordinary shares (22.75%) to 15,086,714 ordinary shares (7.81%)
Highly profitable niche supplier and manufacturer of essential products to the building industry and private business. The company has developed a very loyal client base in WA over the past 30 years.
Proposed code: LBT, Issue price: $0.20 , Principal activities: development of technology for use in the automation of microbiology laboratory processing, Corporate: Lusia Guthrie (managing director),
Jeff Moore has been appointed as managing director for Abra Mining Ltd. Ken Atkinson has been appointed as chief executive officer for Advance Healthcare Group Ltd.
How to claim compensation from the Tax Office where, in certain circumstances, our actions have caused a loss. http://ato.gov.au/distributor.asp?doc=/content/48878.htm Published: April 5 2006
THE massive Boddington gold mine is on track to pour first gold in 2008, after owners Newmont Mining and AngloGold Ashanti awarded the $115 million management contact for the asset to Clough Ltd.