Aquarius Platinum Ltd non-executive director GE (Edward) Haslam has acquired 5,000 shares in on-market trade in the company for a beneficial interest of $84,850.
NOT many hospitals can boast million-dollar views of the Swan River, but non-profit Bethesda Hospital can, following a $20 million dollar redevelopment program that has transformed the ageing Claremon
Report that Eastland Technology Australia Pty Ltd (ETA) has failed in its application to seek special leave for a hearing at the High Court regarding the case against Whisson et al, in relation to the
Advise that they have agreed, subject to shareholder approval, to make a placement of 16 million new shares at an issue price of 5 cents per share to raise $800,000 before costs.
THE marketing of Western Australia as a destination for Asian tourists has stepped up a gear with the launch of online campaigns in Japan and South Korea.
Proposed code: MMR, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: pooled development fund, Corporate: Seng Yap (chairman), David Breeze (executive director), Charles Murphey (executive director), K.O Yap
This measure includes a suite of proposals to sweep away the current tax complexities faced by retirees, improve retirement incomes, give greater flexibility over how superannuation savings can be dra
ANZ Capital director Marshall Allen (left) will be leaving at the end of this week to establish an independent advisory and private equity business, Platanus Capital.
Proposed code: GGG, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: gold explorer, Corporate: Simon Cato (chairman), Jeremy Whybrow (executive director), Miles Guy (non-executive director), Bruce Acutt (com
PROPERTY investor and manager Mirvac Group Ltd has entered into an agreement with two private companies, MAP Nominees Pty Ltd and Preston Beach Resort Pty Ltd, to develop a 424-hectare site at Preston
Sandvik AB changed its relevant interest from 81,405,971 ordinary shares (87.48%) to 72,100,533 ordinary shares (77.48%) - Corrected Notice Previous Forms overstated by 10%
Advise that it has reached in-principle agreement with Hartleys Limited to raise approximately $11 million through the placement of 15,750,000 shares at $0.70 per share to clients of Hartleys Limited.
THE expansion of Bendigo Bank’s community banking concept is continuing in Western Australia, with two new branches having opened this year and two more on the way.
16 spacious motel units. A profitable, easily run business with enviable lifestyle. Enormous potential for additional use of restaurant/function centre.