WESTERN Australian listed companies are worth a total market capitalisation of more than $100 billion with an increase from $97.9 billion to $103.2 billion in April being recorded by Deloitte The 5.4
The Western Australian Citizen of the Year Awards were announced last night, with nine Western Australians rewarded for their contribution in various areas of the community, including John Poynton for his contribution to business.
Western Australian-headquartered uranium player Redport Ltd has confirm an increase in the resource estimate at its Lake Maitland uranium project in Western Australia's eastern goldfields region.
Western Australian-headquartered gold explorer Perseus Mining Ltd has been granted an option to acquire the Ayanfuri gold mine in the Ashanti Gold Belt, in Ghana.
AGED care provider Continuing Health Care has purchased premier retirement village St Louis Estate in Claremont, with a view to developing a world-class, boutique aged-care facility on the estate.
Well-known and respected franchise situated in Kununurra in the heart of the Kimberley region supplying electrical and white goods, home entertainment systems to thriving community.
Proposed code: MYG, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: gold exploration, Corporate: Frank Lawson (chairman), John Robert Greeve (managing director), Allan Richard George Brown (technical direct
IN a deal with Canadian Regional Airlines, Ansett Australia sold one of its Fokker F28-1000 aircraft, this week 10 years ago. The aircraft had been in storage since October 1995.
Provides information about the Tax Office graduate development program and graduate recruitment. http://ato.gov.au/distributor.asp?doc=/content/5091.htm Published: May 18 2006
Terry Agnew group CEO of RAC (WA), has been appointed as the president of the Australian Institute of Management in WA. Mr Agnew’s appointment follows the recent retirement of Chris Cronin.
Peter Singer, professor of bioethics in the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University in New Jersey (US), to speak at an UWA Extension event titled ‘The ethics of what we eat’, June 6
An Extraordinary General Meeting is to be held at The Constitutional Centre of Western Australia, Havelock Street, West Perth, on Monday 26 June 2006 at 10:00 am.