EVANS & Tate has claimed a big win in its legal tussle with distributor Australian Beverage Distributors Pty Ltd, announcing the NSW Supreme Court had dismissed ABD’s winding up the application.
Geraldton’s foremost concrete batching plant with mini and maxi concrete agitator trucks. Established by current owners, the business has enjoyed growth in revenue every year since inception.
Proposed code: GGG, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: gold explorer, Corporate: Simon Cato (chairman), Jeremy Whybrow (executive director), Miles Guy (non-executive director), Bruce Acutt (com
To ensure that low-income families and individuals are exempt from paying the Medicare levy, the Medicare levy low-income thresholds and threshold for pensioners of less than age pension age will be i
The Oriental Post, in conjunction with the Australian-American Association and the US Consulate General in Perth, will hold a breakfast seminar on the above topic, June 13 at the Royal Perth Yacht Clu
CPA Australia has appointed Rochelle Bradley as its new state president. Mrs Bradley is general manager business services at the Department of Housing and Works.
ASX code: AEE, Issue price: $0.20, First days close: $0.20, Principal activities: uranium exploration, Corporate: Brett Fraser (non-executive chairman), Dr Bob Beeson (managing director), Jay Stephens
Proposed code: GEM, Issue price: $0.20, Principal activities: diamond exploration, Corporate: Monty House (chairman); Les Field (technical director); Anthony Short (non-executive director); Peter Hwan
ASIC offers the following tips to help people choose a financial adviser: • Deal only with professional financial advisers and planners who hold an Australian financial services licence (AFSL), which
The brightest smiles in Perth will congregate next month at the University Club for a reunion of dental graduates from the School Of Dentistry at the University of Western Australia.
Perfectly located well-established bicycle shop with excellent range of bicycles and accessories. Strong history of performance. Opportunity for profit growth. Owner selling due to illness.
Proposed code: FLR, Issue price: $0.25, Principal activities: producer of olive oil, Corporate: Mark Hohnen (chairman), David Carr (managing director), Mervyn Lange (non-executive director), Craig Rea
These measures will enhance the operation of venture capital limited partnerships (VCLPs). http://ato.gov.au/distributor.asp?doc=/content/74725.htm Published: May 31 2006
Dr Robert Sutter, visiting professor in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University in Washington, DC (US) to speak at a Confucius Institute lecture titled: ‘China’s rise in Asian and world
Newsmith Global Opportunities Hedge Fund LP increased its relevant interest from 28,750,000 ordinary shares (18.52%) to 33,750,000 ordinary shares (18.92%)
Home Building Society and StateWest Credit Society announce they have obtained the regulatory approvals needed from Federal Treasury to allow the merger of the two organisations by scheme of arrangeme
WESTERN Australian business leaders are expecting increases in sales, profitability, fixed investment and recruitment, according to the latest TEC Confidence Index.